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[Forum] Higher limit for attachements

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 2:53 pm
by Gandalf
Currently the total number of attachements per post is limited to 3.
That's not very much for a forum that requires lots of screenshots.
I suggest raising it to at least 5 so bugreports can supply better
illustration for various cases.

If you are concerned about bandwidth, maybe reduce the filesize
limit. Screenshots saved as jpg are rarely that big.

Concerning external image hosters: Not a fan. They tend to go
offline eventually, causing posts with missing images.

Re: [Forum] Higher limit for attachements

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 5:22 am
Showing a picture is as simple as using this button Image on a direct image url. So upload pictures to a site like, then get the direct image and paste it with the brackets around it.

Pictures are fine as they are now, But... Attachments may be easier for people that don't know how to do such a thing.
Concerning external image hosters: Not a fan. They tend to go
offline eventually, causing posts with missing images.
A problem people just have to deal with, Its either external image or tons of files through attachments.

Re: [Forum] Higher limit for attachements

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 7:03 am
by Gandalf
Dude, I know how to use BBcodes -.-
I'm saying external hosters suck because the images eventually go missing and you end
up with threads referencing screenshots that aren't there. That's not something ‘people
just have to deal with’, it renders whole archives of support threads useless which
defeats the long term purpose of this forum.
That simply doesn't happen with attached image files. Some software support forums
actually require them for that reason. And I'm sure the official factorio support forum
can afford the space for some extra files.

Re: [Forum] Higher limit for attachements

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 5:02 pm
Yea, I thought your last line of op was your signature which is why I edited my ppst, people will have to deal with the attachment limit. Its always going to be there.
But I still wanted to keep that information there for those who dont know about bbcode.

For me though, even if the attachments were unlimited, I would still not use them much.
Especially for screenshots, probably never for pictures. It takes me 3 seconds to take a capture of my screen, upload it, and paste the link. Ctrl+shift+c, left click, left release, ctrl+v. It removes the hassle of having the file on your computer or pasting to imgur.

Re: [Forum] Higher limit for attachements

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 5:21 pm
by Gandalf
Alright, everybody has his own preferences.
But why shouldn't it be possible to raise the limit a little? Doesn't seem like a big deal to me.

Re: [Forum] Higher limit for attachements

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 3:10 pm
by MF-
If the #-of-attachments limit would be increased,
you'd run into the size-of-attachments limit before your 4th picture.
That limit probably cannot be increased due to the space/connection available