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File Extension for Images in the FFF

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 7:12 pm
by zyklame
The images in the FFF have the endings jpg, png but in reality they are webp images.
Is these intended?
The browser is just showing them but other programms have trouble showing them unless they are renamed.
Why not save them as *.webp in the webpage as ther original file type suggests?

Re: File Extension for Images in the FFF

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 8:18 pm
by Klonan
All the images are exported from GIMP or ShareX as PNG's and JPG's,
They also show as JPGs to me in browser 'Image type'
Do you have an idea what might be happening?

Re: File Extension for Images in the FFF

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:51 am
by weaknespase
Well, probably one of CDN tricks to conserve bandwidth - WEBP have better compression than JPEG.

The same image in your screenshot served in WEBP format (134 KiB) for Firefox 66a and in JPEG format (214 KiB) for Microsoft Edge, for example. CDNs usually don't serve content they don't sure client doesn't know how to open.

Update: Looked under the hood - it is CDN trick, cloudflare recompressing the image. Response header "cf-polished: origFmt=jpeg, origSize=218252" is more than enough evidence.