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Cannot post and other bugs -> solved, pathetic

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 7:47 am
by catma
Could not register -> username already taken (but not mentionned as such, registration fails without why)
could not register -> email already used by another user -> I hope you remembered what your first account was named
can't post, need to login -> actually you were already login, this is just a forum you can't actually post to. We forgot to make a proper error message
contact board admin (or some other similar words) -> dead link (inexplicably 4 variants of this message none of them helpful)
can't post -> after registering or doing a password reset, logout and re-login. No error message will help you realize that.

GENERAL PROBLEM: no error messages for many failure to login/register/recover password type failures.
GENERAL SOLUTION: read the FAQ of some OTHER forums to know what the workaround are, the factorio forum mostly doesn't help when error messages are fully missing

GENERAL REQUEST: please fix the forums. None of my 4 brothers figured out how to register or post yet, and they all have issues that are different and I couldn't solve any of them. I'm assuming "general lack of proper error messages" due to use of a common message board codebase without proper profesionnal QA. PLEASE FIX.

Re: Cannot post and other bugs -> solved, pathetic

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 10:48 am
by Sanqui
Could not register -> username already taken (but not mentionned as such, registration fails without why)
The forum does tell you when your desired username is already taken:
could not register -> email already used by another user -> I hope you remembered what your first account was named
Support could help you with that.
can't post, need to login -> actually you were already login, this is just a forum you can't actually post to. We forgot to make a proper error message
Please give a specific example. The board should and does have error messages for reasons you can't post.
contact board admin (or some other similar words) -> dead link (inexplicably 4 variants of this message none of them helpful)
I have activated the contact page, thanks for letting us know.

In general, please be more specific about where you're encountering errors (e.g. what thread you're trying to post into and what error message you get), as they don't seem to be usual.

Re: Cannot post and other bugs -> solved, pathetic

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 5:51 am
by catma
None of the helpful information you talk about was encountered by any of my 4 brothers where you said it was, and they all have quit Factorio forums.

I'm suspecting some adblocker to block some helpful info sometimes, but OH COME ON not all of it.