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Forum Adjustments

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 6:59 pm
by TZane
Th1s forum could use some adjustments to make it better.

1. Centering should be a bbcode option I know phpbb3 does not have this built in and god knows why but every forum platform has a center option except phpbb3 and its needed.
This can be done in the admin panel under bbcode management.

BBcode Usage

Code: Select all

HTML Replacement

Code: Select all

<div align="center">{TEXT}</div>

2. Language choice british english needs to be changed to English honestly nobody calls it british english.

ACP -> Customise -> Language packs
Click the name "British English" and a screen will open where you can change the name.

3. New Skin
This gray shade skin makes the forum look old and some of the text is hard to see it needs a change up. Take a look at my forum and hopefully this may generate a idea for a skin. ... pimdmdwdwx

4.Avatar Adjustments
I think the image size limit is too small. Let us use 100x100 or 150x150 size for avatars 90x90 is so small.

6. Revise Forum Rules
The forum rules does not look polished, some of its confusing, & you have rules there that have links to threads because they are currently "in discussion". Last thing is why are any changes to the rules linked to a different thread at the bottom its like we have to jump through hoops to understand what the rules are. Edits are suppose to be made to the main thread of forum rules when its time to revise, everything should be in one place and made clear so there is no confusion.

7. Reorder Forums
There's a lot of forums on the index page and it looks like everything's all over the place. The sections "Modding Discussion", "Tools", "Maps & Scenarios", "Texture Packs" should all be in the Mod forum as child forum to reduce the clutter.
All the current forums inside mod except for the "Download Mods" forum should be deleted. "Mod Rule & Discuss the Board" I'm not sure what this forum is suppose to be but it should fall under Modding Discussion. "Work in progress / Pre-Alpha Mods", "Mod Compilations and complete overhaul discussions" and "Mod Discussion Portal" all fall under "modding discussion" so why have all this extra clutter in there? There's a lot more that can be rearranged the whole general should be reorganized and this will make the forum look a lot cleaner.

That's all I can think of for now if I come up with anything else I will let you know.