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[Fixed] Forgot Password Link 404 Error
Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2024 2:08 pm
by Dr_Doof
Good timezone.
It appears that the "Forgot Password" Link on the login page is 404 Error.
Re: Forgot Password Link 404 Error
Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2024 2:53 pm
by Yivry
Not only Forgot Password, but the FAQ link as well. Both of these links go to virtual routes instead of directly to php-files. Maybe there's others, I'm not up to date on current phpBB.
This means either .htaccess or the nginx config need to be updated, see also this post on the phpBB forum:
In the meantime, the following URLs can be used for this forum:
app.php/user/forgot_password <- This one doesn't work directly, you'll need to edit the form's "action" as well. Then the submit does work.
Edit: I've not tested this myself, but as the Reset Password link also uses a virtual route, I'm guessing it has the same issue, which means you need to insert the /app.php/ in both the link and probably the form as well.
Re: Forgot Password Link 404 Error
Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2024 5:06 pm
by Sanqui
This issue has been fixed, it was indeed a routing issue. It went unnoticed because so few phpBB pages actually seem to rely on these routes.