The Hydra Dilemma - A Coop Factorio Playthrough!
Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 1:24 pm
This series has now ended. Link to the final save here.
Be forewarned: This is NOT and was never intended to be a SERIOUS series.
The Hydra Dilemma is a Cooperative playthrough of the Factorio game. Five YouTubers will take 20 minute turns and attempt to work together to finish the game and reach missile defense.
It will essentially be like a normal playthrough, but with each 'tuber taking turns posting their video of the playthrough. ie First 'tuber does the first 20 minutes of a save file, sends the save file to a second 'tuber who does the next 20 minutes then sends it to the next 'tuber who does the next 20 minutes, etc etc. until it goes back to the first 'tuber and the cycle continues, with the goal of making a huge base and getting to rocket defense.
However, there are certain rules:
NO PEEKING! Each 'tuber must go into an episode completely unaware of what was done beforehand, so we won't be watching episodes by other 'tubers prior to recording.(ie If I record an episode on monday, and my next turn is saturday, I won't be allowed to watch tuesday, wednesday, thursday or friday's episodes so will have no idea what to expect when I record on saturday.) So we spend some time of each episode trying to figure out what the last 'tuber was attempting to do, and continuing on from that(and maybe getting it wrong).
NO MAJOR CHANGES! We have to make do with what prior 'tubers were attempting, and build on from that. We can't destroy any builds, unless they become redundant(ie empty miners).
BE PRODUCTIVE! We won't deliberately try to screw over the next 'tuber by throwing a spanner into the works, although harmless fun will be allowed.
20 MINUTES AND YOU'RE UP! Even if we're in the middle of a major project, we have to stop at the 20 minute mark. Whatever is left will be handled by the next 'tuber.
The reason we are calling this The Hydra Dilemma is because we are 5 'tubers of different skills and building styles. Like a Hydra, we are many heads striving towards the same goal, although not necessarily in the same direction.
Below is a list of the contributors with links to their channels, in order of appearance:
Root Negative Gaming
We're all very excited about this playthrough, and hope that you'll all enjoy it!
First video is up!
Madness Begins! - Factorio - The Hydra Dilemma #1
Be forewarned: This is NOT and was never intended to be a SERIOUS series.
The Hydra Dilemma is a Cooperative playthrough of the Factorio game. Five YouTubers will take 20 minute turns and attempt to work together to finish the game and reach missile defense.
It will essentially be like a normal playthrough, but with each 'tuber taking turns posting their video of the playthrough. ie First 'tuber does the first 20 minutes of a save file, sends the save file to a second 'tuber who does the next 20 minutes then sends it to the next 'tuber who does the next 20 minutes, etc etc. until it goes back to the first 'tuber and the cycle continues, with the goal of making a huge base and getting to rocket defense.
However, there are certain rules:
NO PEEKING! Each 'tuber must go into an episode completely unaware of what was done beforehand, so we won't be watching episodes by other 'tubers prior to recording.(ie If I record an episode on monday, and my next turn is saturday, I won't be allowed to watch tuesday, wednesday, thursday or friday's episodes so will have no idea what to expect when I record on saturday.) So we spend some time of each episode trying to figure out what the last 'tuber was attempting to do, and continuing on from that(and maybe getting it wrong).
NO MAJOR CHANGES! We have to make do with what prior 'tubers were attempting, and build on from that. We can't destroy any builds, unless they become redundant(ie empty miners).
BE PRODUCTIVE! We won't deliberately try to screw over the next 'tuber by throwing a spanner into the works, although harmless fun will be allowed.
20 MINUTES AND YOU'RE UP! Even if we're in the middle of a major project, we have to stop at the 20 minute mark. Whatever is left will be handled by the next 'tuber.
The reason we are calling this The Hydra Dilemma is because we are 5 'tubers of different skills and building styles. Like a Hydra, we are many heads striving towards the same goal, although not necessarily in the same direction.
Below is a list of the contributors with links to their channels, in order of appearance:
Root Negative Gaming
We're all very excited about this playthrough, and hope that you'll all enjoy it!
First video is up!
Madness Begins! - Factorio - The Hydra Dilemma #1