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What is the status of PVP in factorio as of 0.16?

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 2:45 pm
by Drakken
I have never found the aliens to be a good challenge in this game and with .16 it seems the density of their lairs at the map spawn has gone way down even on max settings. Even on Deathworld the game seems way too easy. This is why I desire a true opponent. That requires PVP multiplayer become a real feature in Factorio.

I can't really play a PVP game against myself. So I have no idea what features are even in the game at this point. I am curious have they made random x2 or x4 mirrored maps for people/teams to have equal starting positions and then race to endgame? Have they implemented the creation of troops/biters/spitters to attack the other teams? In general where does the PVP experience reside at this moment.

Thank you in advance for any information and discussion.