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Australian - 24/7 - Experimental Build - Server Thread

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 3:54 am
by kaizokuroof
Good Evening Players!

I'm looking for some Australian/OCE/AZN region players to join our co-op server. I'm creating this thread for those to show interest and as a central point of information. It's in it's early stages, I've been solo-playing on the map for around 10 hours

Connection Info - This info is temporary, as I will setup a nameserver in a bit. For now, you can direct connect or use the server browser
IP Address:
Dynamic DNS:
Name: Australian 24/7 Experimental
Password; password

Discord Channel: (You can add me there too)

*Password is to be changed soon.

Server Specs:
Debian Wheezy - 64Bit - Headless
Intel® Xeon® Processor X5660 2.80 GHz 12M cache (Two Physical CPU's) 12 Cores IIRC.
8GB Ram
100/100 Internet connection (not dedicated to just the server, but it has priority)

Build Version: 15.x (Experimental) - The server doesn't automatically update, that's something I'll work on later. In the mean time it relies on you telling me (Discord, or steam) or bumping the thread/Me realising there is an update. I check almost every day

I am open to starting the map again with whatever settings people are interested in. Will get a discord server together soon too but I thought I'd start the ball rolling.

Here's a picture of the map, taken on 24/05/17 @ 8:28 PM, around 56 hours or so into the game.
lolmexiconoracismintended.png (366.43 KiB) Viewed 2705 times

Re: Australian - 24/7 - Experimental Build - Server Thread

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 12:42 am
by BenSeidel
I'll pop in at some stage. Are you actively playing or is it just an open server?

Re: Australian - 24/7 - Experimental Build - Server Thread

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 2:59 am
by kaizokuroof
BenSeidel wrote:I'll pop in at some stage. Are you actively playing or is it just an open server?
Cool beans, yeah - Everytime I'm playing, I jump on the server and play on that save. The server is basically me opening up my save to play with others/find people to play with ^^

Re: Australian - 24/7 - Experimental Build - Server Thread

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 5:35 pm
by Capwell
Hello kaizokuroof.

If you're interested in a big community, then come join us!

We have multiple servers and have people from all around the world.

Currently have four concurrent servers:

2 UK-based.
2 US-based.


Re: Australian - 24/7 - Experimental Build - Server Thread

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 7:47 am
by kaizokuroof
Capwell wrote:Snippity-snip
Cheers bud! and while I appreciate the offer, I'd prefer to have some solid low playable ping ^_^ UK and US would be 230-330 for me :( and UDP traffic would probably cause me to tear my hair out lol.

Re: Australian - 24/7 - Experimental Build - Server Thread

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 3:14 pm
by Capwell
You have your own server, correct?

Why not join our community and you can gain access to our members.

Then if we have AU players, they can join your server. :)

Win - Win.

For both of us!

Warm Regards,