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TR/EN lf ppl to play with..(voice communication)

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 6:25 pm
by notrandom
I`ve been progressing through the game but I`m yet to actually win the game yet. Looking for players to play with who can use voice chat, since this is pretty boring to play and communicate using only keyboard so, feel free to dm .

Oyunu daha bitirmedim . Oyunu oynayinca farkettim .e devamli ayni sonuclar alarak sehrimin yokolmasinin degisecegi yok, boylece konusarak, oyunu daha cok eglenerek bitirmeye yoneldim. mesaj yollayabilirsiniz veya yorum atabilirsiniz

Re: TR/EN lf ppl to play with..(voice communication)

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 11:40 am
by Dojums
you mentioned you added me on steam, but it seems something went wrong :D
unless your using a very different name on steam then here.

i also prefer voice, and am on a point of starting a new game on my server because of some design issues in my current save.

Re: TR/EN lf ppl to play with..(voice communication)

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 7:04 pm
by YED
Add me, my Steam name is: H4C1K3R1M