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[EU] Clockwork Pilgrims

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 3:09 pm
by Altaric
Hello fellow pilgrim.
We welcome you to join us on our journey through the stars and visit places of untold wonders!
Well, that's what we say to the public, get new recruits and all ... but the truth is, it doesn't always go smooth.
Our travels often cross the path of aggressive species and we must terminate some of them.
So, if you don't mind this, please step inside our magnificent ship :)

I am hosting scenarios now and then where you will find challenging stuff. You might remember the Caterpillar setting, on which you struggled quite a bit
You will find us on the public server list, labeled [EU] Clockwork Pilgrims
New scenarios will come as we have ideas of interesting things to implement
For now, no mods are required to play, only "scenario modding" which is sent to clients when they join (control.lua)

Feel free to send us feedback on our scenarios, or suggest new ideas!

Discord channel available at :
TS3 server available at : pwd:Borderland

The staff: Altaric (hosting, coding) AllStorm (additional coding)

Re: [EU] Clockwork Pilgrims

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 3:37 pm
by Th4n
I can trully recomend this. I've been playing one of these hard games and I must say this was the most enjoyable game ever.

Re: [EU] Clockwork Pilgrims

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 7:50 pm
by judos
Awesome scenario, it's really fun gameplay and cool team who plays here. Can definitely recommend.

@Altaric: Are there special online times of the server, or just random?

Re: [EU] Clockwork Pilgrims

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 5:25 pm
by Altaric
Currently I run the server when I have a scenario ready, usually during weekends, euro afternoon/evening.
Won't be there this weekend as didn't have time to work on Comet Catcher

Will post hre when something new is coming ;)

Re: [EU] Clockwork Pilgrims

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:10 pm
by Altaric
Hello my dear pilgrims !

A new expedition is about to start, probes have been sent and a curious planet has been found.
Early access visitors have reported a rocky planet, but the transmission was interrupted quickly, so we believe they found something so awesome that they want a head start at analyzing it !
The mission has been nicknames Comet Catcher, in memory of a famous location on the moon.

I have been testing the map tonight and it seems to be running without bugs.
Tweaked the settings a bit so that you have a chance at surviving the first 20 minutes ;)
Official release is planned for tomorrow, Sunday, early afternoon (EU time)

Re: [EU] Clockwork Pilgrims

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 11:09 pm
by Altaric
Following the latest breakthrough in *science*, the board has approved a seminar for our newest recruits.
As such you are invited to board on the shuttles to our training ground whenever you want !
Most of the local fauna was exterminated some time in the past, but you should always be ready, so reefer to your bishop for directions in case of an encounter.


Almost vanilla game for 0.15.6
x3.5 evolution from pollution as usual
low resource freq. medium richness

Re: [EU] Clockwork Pilgrims

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 7:01 pm
by Dominoscraft
heelo bud, do you have a 0.15 server up?

Re: [EU] Clockwork Pilgrims

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 7:17 pm
by Altaric
yup, i run it on 0.15.9 atm

The factory went pretty well, it's over 110 days and still alive
So if you wanna contribute to this nice and growing map, you're welcome !

Sometimes the server goes down, cause of alien invasion or crashes but i try to restart it asap. Add me on favs to see when i come back :)

I might run harder flashback settings tommorow, who knows :)

Re: [EU] Clockwork Pilgrims

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 2:08 pm
by redlabel
Just tried this. Friendly people, nice map. One of the servers I will play in. :)

Re: [EU] Clockwork Pilgrims

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 11:45 am
by Altaric
Alert !

The weather has changed. The introduction of unstable uranium isotopes in the atmosphere has reacted with some unknown particule in the air, which caused massive warming of the sector.
As such, the pollution to which the natives react went sky rocketing.
Thankfully the drill instructor did his job right and defenses were in place. Just not strong enough.

As the biters are growing in number, more shuttles ares being sent to provide extra workforce to the base. Please report to your local recruiter. Combat experience is appreciated.

Also, the uranium mine has been overrun and needs to be taken back before the precious uranium stocks are depleted.

Finally, considering the progress that has been made, the place cannot be left for the natives to evolve and develop a resistance to our newest technology.
The use of strategic warhead are being considered.
Stay tuned for more information.

** Update **

A closeby pulsar has decided to mess with our communications and severed the link to the training ground. We are helpless to this and can only wait for it to calm down.

(server got overloaded with biter number, so i'm investigating how to deal with this. In case i can't find a fix fast, i'll be hosting flashback survival scenarios over the weekend)

Re: [EU] Clockwork Pilgrims

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 12:58 pm
by oNcLe

i played the map yesterday for the first time, amazing map!

Sadly after around day 25~~ the evolution factor went from 16% to 96% in 10 minutes. (we just tried to produce our first red ammo)
We didnt clear any bitters till day 24 or so then we went out for one day and one night (we killed like 40-70 bitter nests)
Then we saw someone in the mainbase mentioning medium bitters and that we need red ammo, 2 minutes later we had big bitters incoming, then we died.

The End

edit* may have to do something with pollution when we opened the map all the visible area was covered in a pretty dark red pollution cloud.
edit2: seems like map is still running server is unreachable 2h 53m played

Re: [EU] Clockwork Pilgrims

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 9:54 am
by Altaric
Thanks for the report, the evolution rocketing should have been fixed, but obviously wasn't ...
Killing nests does raise the evolution but should be vanilla rate on comet catcher. However killing nests also raises the pollution, and the mechanic I used for that is flawed (leads to infinite pollution sometimes) so I'm switching to generating biters instead of pollution (just like in the four chariots)

Re: [EU] Clockwork Pilgrims

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 6:13 am
by oNcLe
Great, :D

do you provide any kind of download.
I would like to play the map with a friend on a lan-network.

As many people allready said, this map(scenario?) needs much more attention.

Re: [EU] Clockwork Pilgrims

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 3:32 pm
by Altaric
Hi, currently no, but I could indeed !
I'll if I can put them somewhere

Re: [EU] Clockwork Pilgrims

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 5:53 pm
by Altaric
"Fixed" the evolution issue. i don't artificially create pollution anymore. Instead i spawn aliens depending on how much pollution is in the air.

Currently running Comet Catcher, with a new seed and this mechanic :)

Re: [EU] Clockwork Pilgrims

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 1:19 pm
by Altaric
Hello everyone !
It's been a while and I apologise for this.
I have a gift for you, in hope you will forgive me!
The clockwork pilgrims is now hosting a wave defense scenario :)
It's the official scenario, plus you can adjust the difficulty, either lower or harder. You can also tweak the delay between wave to your liking.
The server restarts on its own when you win or lose.

Late on, I will offer other maps, maybe even random gen and more options such as more or less starting stuff

Re: [EU] Clockwork Pilgrims

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 5:26 pm
by Altaric
I am currently hosting a modded server along with the RedMew community
The mods used are mainly Bob, Angel, and Rampant AI

You are all invited to join us :)
Search for "Redmew - Modded play" on public games
The map has just started

Modpack :
Discord :

Re: [EU] Clockwork Pilgrims

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 11:48 am
by Altaric
The map has been reset after we reached the point of sending more than a rocket per minute.
We have added the mod PyCoal which makes science 1, 2 and 3 much harder and adds new fluids to tamper with.

To bring a bit more of pilgrim spirit, "adjustments" have been made :
- Biters from big on are tougher, +50% HP for bigs to *3 for behemoth.
- Spitters gets increasing range with evolution, making them outrange regular turrets mid to late game
- Leviathan biters (evo 99%+) are truly frightening with well over 100k HP and solid resistances !
- The sniper turret has been balanced in terms of damage bonus and cost.
- Gun turrets got increased HP to serve as tanks, since their damage is low
- High pollution diffusion and ribbon style map (384 tiles height limit)

Currently, we are just starting science 2, so we are early game. Come and join us !

These changes make it so that you need to use our mod pack rather than downloading from official sources. (it's also easier since it's all-in-one)
Modpack :
Discord :

Re: [EU] Clockwork Pilgrims

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 8:57 pm
by Jap2.0
Altaric wrote:The map has been reset after we reached the point of sending more than a rocket per minute.
We have added the mod PyCoal which makes science 1, 2 and 3 much harder and adds new fluids to tamper with.

To bring a bit more of pilgrim spirit, "adjustments" have been made :
- Biters from big on are tougher, +50% HP for bigs to *3 for behemoth.
- Spitters gets increasing range with evolution, making them outrange regular turrets mid to late game
- Leviathan biters (evo 99%+) are truly frightening with well over 100k HP and solid resistances !
- The sniper turret has been balanced in terms of damage bonus and cost.
- Gun turrets got increased HP to serve as tanks, since their damage is low
- High pollution diffusion and ribbon style map (384 tiles height limit)

Currently, we are just starting science 2, so we are early game. Come and join us !

These changes make it so that you need to use our mod pack rather than downloading from official sources. (it's also easier since it's all-in-one)
Modpack :
Discord :
Gun turrets with uranium ammo have much higher damage than lasers.