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Looking for someone to play Multiplayer with (voice chat)

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:41 am
by Syrchalis
my (nick)name is Syrchalis and I'm 24. I work as a game designer and I enjoy Factorio a great deal. So far I only played single player but since a while I wanted to try Multiplayer. Unfortunately I couldn't excite any of my friends to play with me, so I thought I would look in the factorio forums.

We would need to setup Multiplayer first and I never did that before, so it might take a while, but I have a rather good PC, so I have no trouble hosting the game.

I have some preferences for who I play with:
  • Be around my age - so ~18-40
  • Speak english well - I'm not a native speaker myself, so it doesn't need to be perfect, I just want to easily communicate
  • Use some sort of voice comm - teamspeak, discord, skype in order of preference
It's just those three tiny things, but they are really important to me. Why is pretty obvious I think? If not, ask.

What I want to do:
I only kind of know. Maybe do some teamwork (sharing work, maybe with explicit tasks, e.g. one defense one factory building). I've never tried factorio multiplayer before, so I wouldn't mind to play with someone who has experience (in multiplayer), just so I can learn a few things. But I also don't mind playing with a factorio beginner myself. I'm at the "advanced" stage - like I'm not an expert with 5 mega factory savegames who has blueprints for setups in his head for entire bases, but I can build a clean factory that runs smoothly and is expandable that OCD people wouldn't have too great of a trouble looking at.

I personally like things to be neat, I don't need everything to be super symmetrical or so, but I also don't like chaotic factories. Let's say a healthy desire for order is what I have. I will just upload a few pictures of my factories and you can probably tell if my building style is a no-go for you or if we can work something out.

I guess that's enough to read already. If you're interested, add me on steam: scythe1250


Re: Looking for someone to play Multiplayer with (voice chat)

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 3:56 pm
by SunTroll
Do you mind playing with mods?

Re: Looking for someone to play Multiplayer with (voice chat)

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 4:33 pm
by Syrchalis
Mods - I have a few installed myself, but nothing that changes the game really. I got one that has researchable hand crafting speed upgrades, smaller collision for trees and one with better textures (higher resolution).

I would rather not play with something that considerably changes gameplay, because I still enjoy the base game a lot. Once I get bored with it, I will probably want to try mods that change a lot. Until then anything that changes recipes of existing things or messes with progression is not really what I want to do.

Re: Looking for someone to play Multiplayer with (voice chat)

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 4:48 pm
by SunTroll
I see. I'm playing vanilla with my brother (so we can both get the achievements) but I'm looking for someone to play the game with with mods. Since you don't want to play modded then I'm not interested. I hope you will find someone else to play with.

Re: Looking for someone to play Multiplayer with (voice chat)

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 10:50 pm
by JusOut4aRip
I am certainly interested in playing online with some one, however I am new to the game ( kind of )
EDIT: I have tried to find you on steam and have no luck, I am getting the " There are no results that match your search" error.


Re: Looking for someone to play Multiplayer with (voice chat)

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:59 pm
by Syrchalis
JusOut4aRip wrote:I am certainly interested in playing online with some one, however I am new to the game ( kind of )
EDIT: I have tried to find you on steam and have no luck, I am getting the " There are no results that match your search" error.

Did you try writing my name with a capital or a lower case S? It should be lower case, but I know from my past that steam does shenangigans there sometimes. Anyway, I added you, given that you have the same name on steam as in the forum.

Re: Looking for someone to play Multiplayer with (voice chat)

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 12:10 am
by TheMario
Are there any spots left in the game? I am interested in playing with several people on multiplayer.

My Steam ID is mariothegamer30

Re: Looking for someone to play Multiplayer with (voice chat)

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 10:58 am
by Syrchalis
I'm having a blast with some of the people here, however, I would like to add one or two more people to my friendlist who are not from the USA (or Asia/Australia for that matter). Simply due to timezones. When I play with my american friends I usually have to do that from 10pm-4am and that really wrecks my sleep schedule.

So yeah, I would be happy to add someone from the european timezone as well.

(Also, in case any of my american friends reads this, don't worry I'll be playing with you as usual, just maybe not THAT late anymore)

Re: Looking for someone to play Multiplayer with (voice chat)

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 1:52 pm
by SyncViews
I'm in the UK, and am also trying to avoid the sessions when I decide to sleep because the birds got up :). Weekdays generally from 5pm if im on mp.

Re: Looking for someone to play Multiplayer with (voice chat)

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 6:56 pm
by Jesperhk
Im from Denmark, i would like to join aswell. with or without mods, i know most mods.
But playing venilla witho

Re: Looking for someone to play Multiplayer with (voice chat)

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 9:33 pm
by sbarber1975
would like to plat est 40 let me know