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my acount cant go thought the user verification reqired

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 9:54 pm
by Mikael_Lolpi
so earlyer this day when i ware to tryin to join the Arumba server witch right now is hostet headless in NL. refuses me to join due to the user verification requirement but my account is a Mining Drill Operator so i think that not verryfied would be the last thing i would be considering the amount i payed to you guys we don't know what caused this i have enven hostet the same save server my self on the same account that im using to play the game so it does not make any sence why i would need to be verrified on a server vitch im admin on .. i have tryed to launch factorio in, as .app & .exe, & zipfiled .exe and tryed to changes my connection to another and non of it worked the other guys in the arumba discord is still able to join the game but i aint witch is crazy

heres a screenshot of the active server log file ... etch_1.png

Re: my acount cant go thought the user verification reqired

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 10:43 pm
by Klonan
Everything looks find for your account on our system,
Are you sure you're trying to join with the correct username?

Re: my acount cant go thought the user verification reqired

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 5:24 pm
by Mikael_Lolpi
ok so i have now when i got home for a single day tried to connect again to see whether my own connection at home ware able to and it seems like it .. i will later tonight try again with the internet connection a ware on when the problem happened and then we will see :) if it is a case of connection issues then im less concerned but i could also be a buck in the system im not sure :)