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Factorio MP weekly sessions

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 6:51 pm
by Dominoscraft
Salutations folks! Dominscraft here reporting in.

I have had this awesome EA game for just over a month now and love it, even more since .14 was released as stable due to the improvements in the MP network code.

On the weekends my rented server ( Domtopia ) can attract up to 15 + players some Friday, Saturday and Sunday's, which to me seems the best days to set up achievement attempts. So i would like to know if anyone would be up for a few achievement runs over the next coming weekends, maybe Friday go for the achievement launching a rocket with 7 hours, then Saturday/Sunday go for the one where we can only craft soo many items by hand ( something spoon? ).

either way let me know in this thread if you are up for it, then we can use the Factorio discord to arrange a more accurate time, place and achievements ) - Dom

Re: Factorio MP weekly sessions

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 7:38 pm
by Pirion
Hey Dom - Pirion here. I'd be up for running something. Please let me know anytime! pirionxii on Steam.