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New here...

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 8:15 pm
by Frantic1
I'm an extremely new player, just started this game. I have already watched plenty of videos, though. To cut to the point, I played a few singleplayer sessions they seem pretty lonely so far. Perhaps I will be able to find a co-op session here. Cheers. Although I will only be able to play tomorrow.

Re: New here...

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 4:45 pm
by luc
Just open the server browser and find a game with a few players in it ;). If the server browser is frustrating (it shows all versions, even if you can't join them), you could use the one I made.

Fair warning though: not everyone is nice to new players. When I went online first, I had already played lots of hours alone and with my girlfriend, but I was still unsure what to do because all the servers I joined had a lot built already. I didn't know what they wanted to do next, so I just fumbled around a bit. People called me noob and stupid a fair bit. I also got banned once for no apparent reason after being on the server for literally 5 seconds. Someone immediately said "ban luc" after I joined and the admin complied. It can feel very unwelcoming.

But after an evening or two I learned how to spot what needs doing on a map, and now it's great fun to play online :)

In your case, I would announce that you're new to the game. And try not to care too much when people are jerks. Factorio contains fewer jerks than mainstream games like Call of Duty, but still more than what I was used to (I mostly play more niche games).

Re: New here...

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 7:30 pm
by Dracosan
Feel free to add me on Steam - same username - if you have any trouble just drop me a pm. You are more than welcome in the server we play in. I'd be happy to help in any way I can. Welcome to Cracktorio!

Re: New here...

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 8:53 pm
I tend to play ridiculously modded so I rarely know what I am doing if that would interest you. Otherwise you might see me on Dracosan's server.

@luc Yeah don't take the random bans on joining personally, it seems common to so many games that people will set up servers that are open and broadcasting but then they freak out when random members of the community appear.

I've been booted a couple times for being too quiet or for trying to un-spaghetti something I saw while touring a server.

Re: New here...

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 7:13 am
by Frantic1
That you all for your quick replies.

@luc btw I have already tried using the server browser and as you said found only games that have been up for a long time already. It is difficult to find a game in it's early stages via the browser so I figured I had better chances here. Cheers.