Anyone want to play w/ me? (info in here)
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 3:19 am
So, I am a relatively new player, started about a week ago, absolutely addicted to Factorio (As you will see on steam in a sec), and I was wondering if anyone wanted to join me, preferably another early player. I have gone as far as early blue potion research, so I had almost everything red and green pot. Me and another friend was playing, but he used non-electric furnaces (mainly BC we had no plastic), and it triggered a huge horde of level 3 crawlers (the weird red ones), and we couldn't stop them. Long story short, it destroyed his entire solar panel array, our THREE factories, etc. He ragequit and delted me as a friend. So, I was wondering, does anyone want to join me? Please friend me on steam if you accept I don't like to play alone. But just one other person, please. There's this one song that has something to do with "One is alone, two is a group, three is a party and that's too much" or something, and I kinda live by that now. So, earliest person that responds gets to play w/ me kind of like an auction. Although I will judge you >:( I was kinda cautious making this post regardless, because i'm sure there's going to be a few trolls or people who are so new that they haven't got to mid-teir 2 research, etc. If you do join, be prepared for a LOT of me talking (I like to talk in fragments and not in sentences, and ps you can talk ingame using the ~ key), and a lot of me rearranging and taking risks and such. Every time we get about 5 new researches, I like to remake things if I can make them better. And, lastly : Prepare for me to bug you about every day, because I am lonely and have no friends ;-; if you don't get on Factorio for awhile, or you're offline, I will probably play w/o you >:) so, sorry.
Aaaanyways there you go. I'm probably going to get no offers because I am a weird fk with no self esteem and a weird sense of humor (not attacking you humor, but...just weird humor), etc. I listed all the bad things about me and almost none of the good things, because that's how I am. Bleh. Okebai
Aaaanyways there you go. I'm probably going to get no offers because I am a weird fk with no self esteem and a weird sense of humor (not attacking you humor, but...just weird humor), etc. I listed all the bad things about me and almost none of the good things, because that's how I am. Bleh. Okebai