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[Server-Service] Free Factorio Server (Release)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 2:38 am
by noliVe
    • Introduction | Vorstellung (p. 1) Ger |Eng
    • News from 09-01-2017 (p.2) Ger| Eng
    • News from 30-01-2017 (p.3) Ger | Eng
    • Changelog 0.1.0 to 0.15.0 (p. 1-3) Ger | Eng

Web-SERVER1 Offline
Nun ist es endlich soweit wir veröffentlichen euch unser Projekt und beginnen nun die vielleicht Finale Stufe!?
Damit dies allerdings weiterhin reibungslos funktioniert erkläre ich kurz ...

- Warum ist es Umsonst? Und um was geht es Eigentlich!?
um DICH! und dein lächeln! Wir, also I-Craft besteht bisher aus einem kleinen Team aus 2 Programmierern Natha und mir selbst, die zusammen daran basteln ein gratis Server Dienst für Factorio oder auch anderen Spielen zu erschaffen.
Wir spielen selbst leidenschaftlich gern und verstehen das einige Dinge etwas kosten und anderes nicht. Wir hätten uns damals auch gewünscht solch ein Service in anderen Spielen zu finden. Damit es kostenlos bleiben kann brauchen wir aber einige Einschränkungen : NAMENSVERGABE : SPIELERLIMIT : SERVER-LIMIT : sind derzeit aktiv. Es wird auch MOD und Savegame-limits geben, derzeit sind die Userzahlen noch kleiner, also noch nicht nötig! Diese Begrenzungen können natürlich auch aufgehoben werden durch eure helfende Hände oder in Form von Übersetzung, einer Tätigkeit wie SUPPORTER oder einem Einmalbetrag in EURO.

- Mit wenig klicks für jeden ein gratis Server bereitstellen.
Wir besitzen derzeit mehrere leerstehende Rootserver würden uns aber auch freuen wenn ihr euren mit uns teilen möchtet. Dazu reicht ein einfacher SSH zugang ohne Rootrechte, dazu aber gern mehr weiter unten.
Diese Server kosten uns natürlich auch Geld. Werden aber zu 100% garantieren das 10 Slots für euch pro Registrierung, immer möglich sind. Um den Dienst weiter ausbauen zu können dürft ihr hier massig ideen oder sogar selbstgeschriebene Inhalte hinzufügen.
- Unsere Zielsetzung des Service
Damit auch wirklich jeder daran profitiert braucht es vor allem Übersetzung und neue Server auch in anderen Ländern. Konstant arbeiten wir daran das ganze zu Factorisieren (Automatisieren).
Der Plan für 2017 sieht vor 1000-2000 Usern auch gerne mehr einen Gratis Server zu stellen.

- Freischaltung:
Damit ihr freigschaltet werdet für einen Server bedarf es einer Registrierung mit Email + Username. Sofern ihr keine automatische Freischaltung bekommen habt werdet ihr am Abend zwischen 21 Uhr und 3 Uhr einfach aktiviert. Dies könnte schneller gehen wenn ihr uns im Teamspeak oder einfach ein Ticket schreibt. WIr müssen dann kurz prüfen ob es sich bei dir nicht um ein BOT handelt. ;)

Alles hat ein Hacken denn wir wünschen uns von euch Unterstützung, Ehrlichkeit und Respekt nur eine Registrierung pro Kopf zu tätigen. Wir sind derzeit nurAbends ansprechbar. möchten das aber gerne auch ausbauen. Auch Forumbetreuung würdet ihr bestimmt gut finden!? Ein wichtiger Punkt ist die Inaktivität, nach 1 Monat inaktivität wird dein Server wieder gelöscht. Das macht Platz für andere Spieler, die den Server wirklich benutzen möchten.
Das verhindert ihr einfach in dem ihr auf der Webseite einloggt und zb den server startet und/oder beendet. Alles kostet irgendwann richtig Geld! Daher bitten wir darum uns nicht versucht über HACKING, BRUTEFORCE, SPIONAGE oder SINNLOSE ABMAHNUNGEN Schaden zuzufügen. Eure Savegames sind NICHT SICHER wir machen täglich zwar Backups, aber können nicht haftbar für verlorene Zeit gemacht werden.

- Beschränkungen aufheben : -
Wir haben uns ein einfaches System überlegt welches dem User zu gute kommt.
  • Namensbeschränkung : Der Name ist auf !GPG Server #xXx | > freiername < | by beschränkt diese kann für einmalig 10 Euro aufgehoben werden.
    Spielerbegrenzung : Um die Server stabil zu halten wird die Anzahl gleichzeitiger User auf 10 begrenzt. Diese kann für einmalig 5 Euro aufgehoben werden. Der Server wird zusätzlich automatisch auf den mit möglichst niedriger Auslastung verschoben.
    Server-LIMIT: Pro User steht einem nur 1 Server zur Verfügung. Dies ermöglicht jedem Spieler ein eigenen zu bekommen. Für weitere Server ist eine Gebühr von 10 Euro pro Server nötig!
    ModOrdner : Geplante Begrenzung an Volumen
    Savestände : Geplantes Feature für erweiterte Backups
    Schutz vor Griefern: Geplante Funktion für Bannen von Spielern oder durch Mods
    Ihr werdet für uns aktiv! Ob Übersetzer/Texter, Supporter oder Forumhelfer jede Tätigkeit wird belohnt mit vollständiger aufhebung der Beschränkungen deines Servers.
Mit diesem Einblick in unser Vorhaben hoffen wir dir unnötige Arbeit zu sparen. Zögere auch nicht ein Ticket, eine Email oder auch Kritik und Fragen an uns zu richten. Wir werden uns die Zeit für dich nehmen!

[Server-Service] Free Factorio Server (Release) ENG

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 2:38 am
by noliVe
Für unsere Deutschen LESER haben wir diesen Abschnitt vorbereitet : viewtopic...

Today we are Presenting you this projekt and start into our next or maybe final steps?!
But to make things work properly we give away some informations ...

- Why is this for free !? and what is it all about?
its YOU, just your smile! Our small Team I-Craft, with Natha any myself NOLIVE, we are trying desperatly on creating a free and wonderfull Server Service to polish our own skills and create something for you!
Since gaming is so much fun we understand that everything is worth of money and others are not! I wish there would be more existing projekts like this out there. maybe in other games!? But to keep everything for free some stuff need to be restricted in some areas like : NAMECHANGING : PLAYERLIMIT 10: SERVER-LIMIT 1: are currently working. There some future Options possible like MOD and Savegame limits, but since the USER-Rate is not scratching the server capacity its not needet! These restriction can be lifted easily with your helping hands in Translation, GameSupporter, Help writing with better/easier Textes or just a small amomunt of Cash.

- Easy registration and only a few clicks to your server
We currently have some empty Rootserver to use but still would be happy if you want share your Server with us. There is a simple SSH-Account without security risks, but we go into this further on.
Those Server are expensive and cause much work. But we guarantee a 100% free server with 10 Slots for each registration. to size this service we need your willing power with future ideas, informations or just some small textes .
klick to read more....
- What is our Plan with this Service
At the moment we try everything to have a full translated website into english >see download< but although other languages are coming if you can support this.
To Support more Countrys we want to have better pings and need more Server. Our Goal for 2017 have 2000 Server Clients running. Time to get your own Free Server!
And of course our Goal is Factorioise (automate) everything on our website for easier handling

- Freischaltung:
Register your Account with a valid Emailaddress and Username. Sometimes we prove some Mails due to heavy Spam. If you are not activated we always set all users to active mode between 21 o´clock and 3 o´clock.
To make it faster write a short ticket or just come to Teamspeak and speak to some Supporters.


So everything have something behind the scenes and here it comes. we only want your assistance, sincerity, respekt and only one registration per User. At the moment we are only aviable 21:00-03:00 O´clock but want improve this. Even here in this Forum we decided to start helping out. Maybe you like it ?
- The next point is Inactivity of a Server. If one is not used for 1 Month we delete the server and make space for people who decide to really use it. You can avoid this by just Start/Stop your Server in the Portal.
- Everything in Live once need to be paid! We are hoping that you not try HACKING, BRUTEFORCE, SPYING or MEANINGLESS WRITTEN Adhortatory, to cause us Damage.
- Your savegames are NOT SAVE!! We are doing daily backups , but are not responsible for your loss of time or loss of data. Please keep that in mind.

- Beschränkungen aufheben : -
A Simple System was needet for you to work and enjoy the game.
  • Naming a Server : Servername is !GPG Server #xXx | > freiername < | by to change this prefix and suffix you can pay 10 Euro this is a onetime payment.
    Playerlimit: Server are limited in Players to 10. Keep the system stable. This can be removed with a onetime payment 5 Euro. The server will be moved to the most unused gameserver to prevent lagging.
    Server-LIMIT: Each user is able to create and register one server for free. This is important to grant every user a fair chance. Its 10 €uro for each Server if you want to have more.
    Mod Folder : Reduced Space for MODS, ~ 200 MB free. -in Progress
    Savegames : Powerfull backups for more Security on your Savegames
    Protection of Grifers: next feature to global ban Players or with some Mods
    To avoid any costs you can easily jump in and help with some work like writing textes, korrekt or Upgrade them, be a Supporter , or help with scripting! All restrictions then would be gone!
We hope you had fun Reading this to save you some Work and Time. But dont hesitate to write a Ticket, an Email or just Ask or give some Comment towards us. Its a promise we answer all!

Re: [Server-Service] v0.1.4 Free Factorio Server @

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 10:57 pm
by noliVe
In the last days we finished the last touch of our new service and we want to offer it to you guys now!

First let me thank Natha and Bisa for their support and ideas for this service. You guys are great! And thanks to OlliPe for spellcheck my text ;P and More!

Need a Server? A free factorio Server running 24/7 ?. I hope you saw us in the list?
This service include a 24/7 running servers. Linux 100% CPU usage. Full free usage of any MODs any Map.
Right now you can restart | create | stop and delete a server and find more players in our small chatroom on the website.

- You need to register on our website (NO WAIT Time)
- The name of the server is restricted to a certain name with small advertisement.
(GPG SERVER #NO. - YOURNAME - . | by )
- The server is limited to 10 people ( for traffic reasons ).
- Keep in mind we started this project as a hobby. Don't blame us too much if you find mistakes. Please help find them and correct them!
- Please join teamspeak for faster support:
if you feel like giving us some informations
if you want to became one of our small crew
if you just want to talk to others
- if you want to be a bad person go play on other servers. ;P twinkletwinkletwinkle

and read the small blog with so many mistakes and horrible spelling to get a better idea of it :)


See you next time!

16.11.2016 yet-known Bugs:
- Google Chrome may cause problems using "TAB"
- F5 or Refresh after managing the server might still be a problem

= We are searching for : AGE 16+
= Translator | Writer | Qualitycheck
= up to 15 x moderators
= more php programmer
= more designer for GUI design
= anything else you can support to us? maybe Pizza, Beer or Pics of Wo**n (Factorio)
= go to | PM me | or reply here


changelog to 01.15.0
All running Servers can be checked and can download all mods with 1-Click-Mod System

- Autostable servers
If you think your server need more speed, write a short ticket and move to another server
Right now we have 4 Rootserver running more incoming shortly. you can see them in the list.
We are working on a small Indicator for HeavyLoad time and Cpu/mem usage for you to check.

- Better readable InfoSheet about the server
The website get a cleanversion for you to navigate
we are proud running this many servers for you ! please help to let them grow faster.

- Need More Speed/People your own Name/description
We addet a small shop to create whatever you like. we STILL insist you can use everything for free!!!!
But some of you might want some more of everything. so here it is ;P

- A small Ticket System
Too many Questions in our Chatroom. And this might come in handy if we want to support you better.
Register and write your request or help us with some future expansion ideas.

- Our Admins (still 3 of us *crying*) get a new interface
Now we can see and focus better on helping our Server-Creators. What we cannot do is see the Chat-log
so we hope someone can help to develop a mod/script?

Blog/Changelog: 0.1.14-12
you might have seen some problems and mistakes we did on our website?! Oh i can tell you it is so annoying when you try something and it doesnt work how you want it.
As you can see we changed the complete website into an simple adding interface. later in time we add a more easier way to add more servers, okay?
We reached the 150 addet Servers today. But still facing the problems between each update.
The Problem is or you can read that in this forum a lot. the start command running a server changes everytime or get a new option to be startet.

Please DEVS Think about the config files! how long do you want an startcommand with - options be ?

Code: Select all

ssh2_exec($con, "screen -dmS factorio_".$username."_$port $factorio_folder/$version/bin/x64/factorio --config $server_folder/config.ini --port $port --server-settings $server_folder/server-settings.json --start-server $server_folder/saves/$savegame"
Of course there many variables inside it but please can you leave it ? heheheh.

So here is the changelog for this last 12 releases

- Website changed a new design
- addet more links to join
- got some translators in french, but still need you guys to help!!!
- addet a systemlog to see whats going on your server
- added an admin interface to give better support
- added Download Mods in the Server-List, Easy download any mods you need to join this server.
NIce feature.

Still we Need you guys for TRANSLATION or Grafics ? want to trade or be part of us? write your questions.

Blog/Bugfix 0.13.17

Personal Note:
We are Starting to provide Changes each new Factorio Version sounds more interesting to see all the changes to.
The website is in the final steps but need you guys test out everything. still we need support in translation and spell checking.
if you can provide us some help this can start quickly.

-addet automated server update 3 PM /Day
if theres a new version the server get it on its own. the problem for this would be if the verison is broken you have to go into your account and change it manual back to a stable one.
- addet Diffuclty Configs for more Fun
- addet Timestamp for Playerlist / Serverlist
- Fixed bugs for wrong savegame selection

- Searching for more Help ,PHP-Coder, StyleDesigner, Forum Admin. No Age restrictions start a good projekt be part of it

Known Bugs : a Savegame with a blankspace "MAP with" wont work to load on its own

Blog/Changelog: 0.1.4
- personal note:
This whole thing is a hobby for all of us. User starting to tell us what to do and what we should not do.
We, as a team, improve every day and have fun doing things with/for the community and that is what counts.
The community should work together to have more fun, create impressive content and grow.
Who cares what service is the best or who can become the most famous.
After a couple of days i thought i'm going to stop it but everytime i play Factorio in solo mode it's getting more boring.
Please don't say we kill the fun we just want to improve our skills with offering this great content.
- Changes for webclient
fixed login
fixed account activation
fixed serversettings to 1
- Changes for webadmin
added more security

Blog/Changelog: 0.1.3
- Changes for webclient:
upload for map + config + mod possible
fixed errors for Changing Servernames
added prefix !GPG! Server #%id% | UserINPUT
added token for the open serverlist
added more security on the loginserver
- Changes for webadmin:
added set new prefix|suffix to servernames
added statistics field
added logreader
added delete "this server"
fixed error for stoping/restarting
fixed error Renaming

Blog/Changelog: 0.1.2
- small community with still only german players but we gained more and more visits from UK/Poland.
- teamspeak server licence changed to 512 NPL (Non-Profit Licence). Thanks Teamspeak for your always fast and nice Service!
- Seeing more and more players joining and leaving the servers.
- tried to get more admins to check on the status of the maps and restart them correctly!

Blog/Changelog: 0.1.1

- organized the 3 person team, notced we need more admins!
- created more server. #GPG was founded @
- spoke to more and more players and their whishes to be a moderator.
- still looking out for more modder and scripter for linux server !
- first 10 private servers running
- testing lags | CPU | bandwidth
- changed webclient: added Rename + Reinstall
- changed webadmin: added All_Restart + All_Stop
fixed bugs for the waiting time
- created more / old content for the website
- got the first shitstorm from users offering a free service. Great thank you for your kindness.

Blog/Changelog: 0.1.0
- changed website
created a clean installation on Apache
- installed apache + mail + UserClient-php
- changed webclient
Add_Server, Restart_Server
- webadmininterface, see added lists
- hired some admins


We addet more features to our service read here ######. and more and more people use our FREE Server System.
YOU would love this service even more when you experience the speed difference.

STILL !!! WE need more CREW Members.
Its free, we cannot pay you, and we are not part of the factorio crew (not yet?!)
Still this service can only run with your help. Check the website, Translate, Paint us pictures
you are a musician? your own music on the website?! Showcase your Buildings in a screenshot
Write some AWESOME news for us. We present your Story on the frontpage.


Re: [Server-Service] Free Factorio Server | Creation

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 7:12 pm
by Bisa
have a look at crowdin m8:

Re: [Server-Service] Free Factorio Server | Creation

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 11:53 pm
by ViDMort
Hi, I woild like to help you with the translation. I currently know English and Spanish, Spanish being my native language. Thanks.

Re: [Server-Service] Free Factorio Server | Creation

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 6:57 pm
by allfreedom
great guy,gave me a server for free

Re: [Server-Service] Free Factorio Server | Creation

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 8:22 pm
by Redstylt
hi ,

First the design looks good but few pics are not enough quality

Second i would like to make a french server but i didn't get where i need to go ? a more accurate link ?

Thanks and good continuation ;)

Re: [Server-Service] Free Factorio Server | Creation

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 1:41 pm
by Redstylt
noliVe wrote:^thats true, we are trying to translate everything in french, if you can provide us some help we can do it more accurate .

still, register your account to set up your own server
Done with the username Redstylt :)
After ?

Re: [Server-Service] Free Factorio Server | 0.1.14-12

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 9:21 pm
by Redstylt
noliVe wrote:yes
If you want i can translate english to french your website ;)

And can you change the desciption of the server ?

Re: [Server-Service] Free Factorio Server | 0.1.14-17

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 8:48 pm
by nosferato
I just went to create a server, and my german sucks, but with the help of google, I managed it.
How can I help you translate the web pages? into english

Re: [Server-Service] Free Factorio Server |

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 8:24 am
by dryden
Hi, I tried signing up but I'm not getting the confirmation email. Used two different emails, nothing.

Re: [Server-Service] Free Factorio Server |

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 6:50 pm
by noliVe
Grüße Dich.

ich suche dich als PHP Programmierer für dieses Projekt.
für ein bisschen Taschengeld brauche ich einige funktionen auf der Webseite.

dabei geht es hauptsächlich um Gestaltung und Anwenderfreundlichkeit.

melde dich doch bei mir.

Re: [Server-Service] Free Factorio Server |

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 9:37 pm
by Redstylt
Send me pm with trouble and i can help you ;) To translate in frenchand to ask me what's going wrong ;)
(I'm the server N°205)
thanks for your service ;)

Re: [Server-Service] Free Factorio Server |

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 8:32 pm
by Lemlin
Did you remove all accounts with gmail adresses?
I registered around a month ago but never created a game, and now when I wanted to login it didn´t work. I forgot my password (or was is deleted?) and can´t reset it as the reset message never reach my inbox/spam folder due to the gmail restrictions you have.

Re: [Server-Service] Free Factorio Server |

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 9:40 am
by noliVe
we never delete users.

gmail account dont get emails ;( we dont know how to change it with gmail.
So PM ME with your new password, or create a new account please.

Re: [Server-Service] Free Factorio Server |

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 4:15 pm
by MnHebi
I got emails just fine with my gmail account, matter was they were automatically in spam.

Re: [Server-Service] Free Factorio Server |

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 7:01 pm
by jghake
I signed up for a free server and Schmerztrieb has been very, very helpful. I started up a paid server with another provider and had nothing but issues and it took them 12 hours to respond, and another 3 hours to fix the issue. It was nothing short of a huge headache.

However the free server from was easy to get working. I did have to contact Schmerztrieb for help but he was much more helpful than the support for the paid service! I couldn't give these guys more props. What a great service to offer, especially for free!

Pings to my server from WA, USA is about 200 though. Unfortunately I think that is just a distance issue as the responses are <30 within Germany.

Keep up the good work guys! Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help!

Re: [Server-Service] Free Factorio Server |

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 5:01 am
by MnHebi
I have a consistent problem where games are started on peaceful despite peaceful not being ticked. Difficulty setting does not matter, all games that are created with the savegame creation button are started on peaceful.

Re: [Server-Service] Free Factorio Server |

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 1:09 am
by noliVe
guys we still are not confident with our service....

we have issues with registration, some free-mails not work.
we have not good translators for every country....
still you dont help get this post sticky to have more people can have a free server!

the servers are free, we DONT take your money!

please help to keep our motivation higher. we know playing this game not really need a server to play with your friends.
Small communitys, small groups, even some youtubers can become more popular with their own server. and why should
you pay a hoster if you get this service free!? our only purpose is , have a projekt running with testing our
skills in coding new stuff. for you people.

LET 2017 become a Server|Year

Re: [Server-Service] Free Factorio Server |

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 3:33 pm
by noliVe
News vom 09.01.2017
Vielen Dank für die vielen Server, welche in letzter Zeit bei uns erstellt wurden!
Wir würden gern die Community mehr in unser Projekt einbeziehen. Schreibt‘ uns doch also unter einem News-Beitrag oder einem Support-Ticket ein Kommentar mit Eurer Meinung, diskutiert mit uns über aktuelle Themen und schreibt, was wir verbessern sollen.
Schreibt mit anderen Factorio-Spielern im Offiziellen Forum von Factorio und tragt zur Verbesserung des Service bei.

Zudem möchten wir noch einmal auf die Löschung von inaktiven Servern hinweisen;
Kostenlose Server, auf welchen 1 Monat keine Aktivität festgestellt werden kann
Bezahlte Server, auf welchen 6 Monaten keine Aktivität festgestellt werden kann
Ein solcher Löschvorgang kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden. Eine Rückerstattung, der auf diesen Servern registrierten Erweiterungen ist ausgeschlossen.

Empfehlt uns doch weiter, und vor allem weiterhin viel Spaß beim Factorio zocken!
Http:// |

- Translation ( Any Language )
- Scripting / Php / Java / C++
- Graphics