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Factorio Dedicated server user verification.

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 10:11 pm
by erik9631
When hosting a listen server there is a little checkbox which asks if you want to have user verification. I am trying to play on a dedicated server over lan with my friends through a centralized server on the latest experimental version without peer-to-peer connection and I need this option disabled.

Is there a parameter for the dedicated server to do so?

I would greatelly appreciate the help.

Re: Factorio Dedicated server user verification.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 12:45 am
by Keray
start your headless server with this option

Code: Select all

--server-settings server-settings.json
You also need to create server-settings.json (right where you run this command), with verify_user_identity = false
example file you can find in data/server-settings.example.json

and perhaps visibility = LAN