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2 mods crashing in MP

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 12:47 pm
by Peter34
I asked a friend of mine to test a private "mod pack" that I've assembled, to see if it's "fit" for MP, in preparation for a grand coop MP game that I hope to host when alpha 13.1 comes out.

Turns out 2 of the mods causes a crash, during an MP game, even before the other guy joins the game, as soon as I click on one of their interface buttons. With those 2 mods disabled, everything seems to run fine in MP.

One is Evolution Factor Indicator. If I click one of the 2 buttons to expand the list, or to open the config window, my client crashes.

The other one is Auto-Wire. If I click its box, to get to the checkboxes to control which wires I want to draw, of copper, red and green, my client crashes.

This causes me to be unsure of whether I should inform the developers of these 2 mods, or if there is another way to resolve it - if it is perhaps basically not their "fault".

I and my friend used Evolve to connect, and the crashes happened whether I had started the MP game with peer-2-peer enabled or not enabled.

(A 3rd mod, the BluePrint flipper one, did nothing when I or my friend tried to click its buttons, but that may be because in the game he joined, I had not yet invented Blueprints, so those buttons were inactive. My guess is that if we had invented Blueprints, we'd have gotten the same crash.)

Re: 2 mods crashing in MP

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 9:24 pm
by SirRichie
What are the error messages you are getting?
Does the game simply crash or do you get a message box with an error?

With that we could see if it is a bug in the mod (probably wrong player index) or within the game itself.

Re: 2 mods crashing in MP

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 6:06 am
by keksinat0r
Last time I checked Evolution Factor Indicator was not compatible with 0.12 Multiplayer. So I guess you will have to wait for an updated version of EvoGUI.
It tried to access some fields which are not available in 0.12 anymore.

Re: 2 mods crashing in MP

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 9:44 am
by Peter34
SirRichie wrote:What are the error messages you are getting?
Does the game simply crash or do you get a message box with an error?

With that we could see if it is a bug in the mod (probably wrong player index) or within the game itself.
I tried again, and took these notes, first time around with all mods enabled, including the 2 problem ones, Auto-Wire and EvoGUI:

(blank line)
Error while running the event handler:
__autowire_-/control.lua:40: Unknown style

(button "OK")
...and the active game exits. And after that Factorio crashes to Windows, with this win7 error message:
Unexpected error occured. You can help us solve the problem by
posting the contents of the log file on the Factorio forums.

(Where exactly do I find the log file? And will it even help in this case)

The above occured with both the Auto-Wire mod and the EvoGUI mod enabled, whether I started a new MP game in normal mode or in peer-2-peer mode.

I then tried again, with the Auto-Wire mod disabled.

This causes the game to run, but continously (about once per second, I'd say) produce a chime noise
and this error message: Unknown key:"err_generic"

It just seems like some strange errors to get. But they only occur when those 2 mods are enabled. Without EvoGUI and Auto-Wire, MP seems to work fine.

Re: 2 mods crashing in MP

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 5:29 pm
by Narc
keksinat0r wrote:Last time I checked Evolution Factor Indicator was not compatible with 0.12 Multiplayer.
When was that? EvoGUI didn't exist before 0.12.

Re: 2 mods crashing in MP

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 5:32 pm
by Narc
Peter34 wrote:I tried again, and took these notes, first time around with all mods enabled, including the 2 problem ones, Auto-Wire and EvoGUI:

(blank line)
Error while running the event handler:
__autowire_-/control.lua:40: Unknown style

(button "OK")
...and the active game exits. And after that Factorio crashes to Windows, with this win7 error message:
Unexpected error occured. You can help us solve the problem by
posting the contents of the log file on the Factorio forums.

(Where exactly do I find the log file? And will it even help in this case)

The above occured with both the Auto-Wire mod and the EvoGUI mod enabled, whether I started a new MP game in normal mode or in peer-2-peer mode.

I then tried again, with the Auto-Wire mod disabled.

This causes the game to run, but continously (about once per second, I'd say) produce a chime noise
and this error message: Unknown key:"err_generic"

It just seems like some strange errors to get. But they only occur when those 2 mods are enabled. Without EvoGUI and Auto-Wire, MP seems to work fine.
It looks like your copy of Auto-wire is missing its data.lua, and your copy of EvoGUI is missing its locale (and possibly also its data.lua). I couldn't begin to guess how this happened, but I'd be very concerned that your mods are somehow losing pieces of themselves seemingly at random.

Re: 2 mods crashing in MP

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 11:50 pm
by Peter34
Those files were not missing in the EvoGUI ZIP archive. I checked, although I did not check the Auto-Wire ZIP archive.

What I did was to delete both ZIP archives, then re-download them from their respective forum threads, then in my /downloads folder I extracted the folder from within each ZIP archive, by copying it, then pasting it into my /mods folder, that is as a "clear" folder rather than as a ZIP archive.

And that appears to have made the problems go away completely, although I'll do a more thorough test, with an actual 2nd player logged on, on Tuesday.