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Looking for someone to play muliplayer with?
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 8:28 pm
by ExpS4
I would like to play with someone on multiplayer, and I do have a Skype and a Steam, so we could communicate through that. If you see that someone has already replied to this, don't feel discouraged, they may not be who I'm looking for, and they may not always be available when I am, so keep that in mind. I am fairly decent at Factorio, but I'm not exactly an expert. I've played for about 40 hours at the time that I am typing this, all on one save. I do NOT know how to use multiplayer, so you would either have to teach me or set it up yourself.
Thanks to anyone who responds!
EDIT: I am currently not looking for ANY new people to play Factorio with. Sorry! I may again in the future... but we'll see.
Re: Looking for someone to play muliplayer with?
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 9:52 pm
by KiLlJoY
I'd love t play with you, my steam is KillJoyB33 and my skype is ladenfoster so just hit me up so we can play
Re: Looking for someone to play muliplayer with?
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 4:23 pm
by Teck1015
I'd be down to play. Steam is same as this username. Any chance we could use Teamspeak 3 to chat though? (I have a server), if not that's okay I just generally prefer it over Skype.
Re: Looking for someone to play muliplayer with?
Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 9:02 pm
by Boefjim
It would be fine with me, I'd really like to check out multiplayer, but my friends don't like Factorio that much.
I hope you still need someone, my steam and skype namers are both the same as this one.
I can setup a server, you just need to join my hamachi network.
(If you don't have it yet, I can explain really easy)
Just something you have to consider:
1. English is not my first language.
2. I really, really like the building part of the game, and I've not yet attacked a single alien nest
(though I did of course build defenses)
3. I've played up to the point where I got solar panels and accumulators, and then the update happened and all my laser turrets were spacing out because I placed about 250 in a row next to each other as a defense around my solar panel/accumulator field.
I hope we can play together soon!
Re: Looking for someone to play muliplayer with?
Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 9:44 pm
by Grimshad
I would be happy to play with anyone. I would prefer someone in the US, but anyone is good.
You can add me on Evolve or Steam: Grimshad
Re: Looking for someone to play muliplayer with?
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 1:40 am
by Pairuu
If anyone is still interested, I'm at about the same level of OP and wanting to learn some more, send me a message on steam (Pairu) or skype ( if interested!
Re: Looking for someone to play muliplayer with?
Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 7:38 pm
by zizg62
My skype name is zizg62 if you wanna play with me
Re: Looking for someone to play muliplayer with?
Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 1:42 am
by maxwellccm
Grimshad do you want to play? i use hamachi (dont know how to portfoward) steam name is maxwellccm. im in new york