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[Vanilla|0.14|US] SUG Dedicated Server
Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 9:13 am
by NoPantsMcDance
Are you tired of playing alone? Do you need someone to hold you at night? Do you enjoy looking at other people's designs and going "what the fuck is this" Well here at SUG we have the solution. It's called Vanilla Multiplayer. Now I'm sure your asking yourself the cost of such a great service. I'm here today to tell you it's absolutely, positively...not free of charge the fuck you think this is charity. For a small fee of your soul you too can be apart of something terrible. Join today!
Server IP:
Server Status/Online Players:
Donations keep us alive!
Server Location: Los Angeles, California
***Server restarts daily at 3am and 3pm
--NoPantsMcDance, Owner of Something Unique Gaming
Re: Multiplayer Dedicated Server
Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 9:49 am
by ronnie124
Server is working fine, today I repaired red and green sciecne after big bitter attack and set up some defence

Is anyone else playing here?
Re: Multiplayer Dedicated Server [0.12]
Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:36 pm
by NoPantsMcDance
Map will be reset on friday. Hopefully this weeks patch will fix a lot of the issues. Teamspeak is open to everyone by the way even if you don't play on our server. All are welcome.
Re: Multiplayer Dedicated Server [0.12]
Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:30 pm
by Okeanos
NoPantsMcDance wrote:Map will be reset on friday. Hopefully this weeks patch will fix a lot of the issues. Teamspeak is open to everyone by the way even if you don't play on our server. All are welcome.
I tried to connect one of the days, but it seems like the US is a bit to long away from Denmark

Re: Multiplayer Dedicated Server [0.12]
Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:45 pm
by NoPantsMcDance
Okeanos wrote:NoPantsMcDance wrote:Map will be reset on friday. Hopefully this weeks patch will fix a lot of the issues. Teamspeak is open to everyone by the way even if you don't play on our server. All are welcome.
I tried to connect one of the days, but it seems like the US is a bit to long away from Denmark

What's the error your getting? I have people from australia and the netherlands connecting just fine. I have noticed that sometimes even if you port forward the server wont let you connect. Also what's your IP you can PM it to me here on the forums as I may have blacklisted your IP if you tried to join over 5 times in a row (do this because a few people spam connect and just ruins it for everyone). If it still doesn't hopefully the next patch will fix a lot of the issues *prays*
Re: Multiplayer Dedicated Server [0.12]
Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:20 pm
by Okeanos
The ping was just really high the one time i connected and i found that annoying and i guess everybody else would be annoyed too if i started to lag out at some point

Re: Multiplayer Dedicated Server [0.12]
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 2:08 am
by NoPantsMcDance
Okeanos wrote:The ping was just really high the one time i connected and i found that annoying and i guess everybody else would be annoyed too if i started to lag out at some point

Yeah haha. My internet has been extremely terrible lately and was lagging everyone out so I stopped playing till I can fix it. Server isn't hosted on my net so no worries about that. Just my terrible mexican internet doesn't like...anything
EDIT: Also the latency is set at 200 so you can run a ping test to the server IP and see if you call below that.
Re: Multiplayer Dedicated Server [0.12]
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 3:37 pm
by NoPantsMcDance
Server has been updated to version 12.01. Map has been reset. Changed Enemy Bases to very high frequency, very big size, and lastly very good richness. Everything else is default. Now I fully expect to get rekt this map but it was to easy last time so why not. Map will be reset this friday. Also just wanted to mention we're dabbling into a faction setup (pvp and separate bases, tech, ect). Everyone will be in the default faction but if you want to be in your own faction let me know. Remember that everything is still experimental and factions should be interesting (long as factorio can actually handle players connecting without lagging out for days). Have fun o/
Re: Multiplayer Dedicated Server [0.12.1]
Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 2:36 am
by NoPantsMcDance
Our base at the moment.
Base isn't the best but enough to keep us alive. All are welcome.
Re: Multiplayer Dedicated Server [0.12.1]
Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 12:37 pm
by gqren
I was in here playing a few hours, it seemed great. We were 3 players, and it seemed we had a few desynchs as well as some substantial lag when certain players joined up. It disappeared when they left. Base is expanding, but is very messy atm

Lots of fun, thanks for hosting!
Edit: I'm from Denmark and I have a ping, when using cmd, at 110-120, so I guess that's fine =)
Re: Multiplayer Dedicated Server [0.12.1]
Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 2:03 pm
by ArceeR
I had a good bit of fun playing on the server yesterday, and I'm going to try to log in again today to work on the base a bit more. The biter waves are currently manageable (just...), but I want to expand a bit north to enclose all that lovely oil!
Fun place to hang out; nice group to play with.
Re: Multiplayer Dedicated Server [0.12.1]
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 12:20 am
by _aD
We don't talk about the wires on belts. We don't go there, either.
Re: Multiplayer Dedicated Server [0.12.1]
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 3:43 am
by NoPantsMcDance
Setup a autoban script that will blacklist your IP address if you spam join 5 times in one minute. Now it SHOULD work but if you get falsely banned post here and I'll unban you. Shows how confident in my code I am.
Re: Multiplayer Dedicated Server [0.12.1]
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 10:54 am
by 55michas55
i have a problem HELP ME!!!!
Unknown key:"type(ConnectionReply) confirm(true) status(refused) description(Current applicationVersion(0.12.0 (Build 0, linux64)) doesn't match received applicationVersion(0.12.1 (Build 16116, linux64)).) latency(12) remoteApplicationVersion(0.12.1 (Build 16116, win64)) remoteActiveMods((base 0.12.1) ) connectionRequestID(9863)".
Re: Multiplayer Dedicated Server [0.12.1]
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 11:00 am
by NoPantsMcDance
55michas55 wrote:i have a problem HELP ME!!!!
Unknown key:"type(ConnectionReply) confirm(true) status(refused) description(Current applicationVersion(0.12.0 (Build 0, linux64)) doesn't match received applicationVersion(0.12.1 (Build 16116, linux64)).) latency(12) remoteApplicationVersion(0.12.1 (Build 16116, win64)) remoteActiveMods((base 0.12.1) ) connectionRequestID(9863)".
Update your client to the latest version 0.12.1. Need to be logged into the main page for the link to work. There is a auto update but not sure if it works yet.
Re: Multiplayer Dedicated Server [0.12.1]
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 4:22 pm
by gqren
Real fun to play and to come back and see the base evolved. But desynchs are happening in clusters within seconds right now as I am playing (alone) on the server, and the clusters happen within minutes. Too bad, it's a lot of fun =)
Re: Multiplayer Dedicated Server [0.12.1]
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 4:58 pm
by _aD
Yeah I tried to join in the morning of GMT+1 and failed after three attempts to download the map/suffer desyncs.
Re: Multiplayer Dedicated Server [0.12.1]
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 6:49 pm
by NoPantsMcDance
Sorry about that not sure why it was doing that. I restarted the server and it should be fine now.
Re: Multiplayer Dedicated Server [0.12.1]
Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 2:23 am
by NoPantsMcDance
Culled the enemy bases by a SIGNIFICANT amount. I had to do this because of the constant dsyncs and non stop lag. Server should run a lot smoother and also saved a whole 3MB off our save file.
Re: Multiplayer Dedicated Server [0.12.1]
Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 4:10 am
by Candunc
Hey, I just tried to join the server and everything, well, died. I can't join teamspeak:
<22:07:22> Trying to resolve hostname
<22:07:31> Failed to resolve hostname ''
Nor can I ping / join the server. What happened?