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[0.15.x] Ground water boring
Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 11:59 am
by drozh
Hello! first I must say, brilliant mod, I enjoy it very much. I use all of the bob's + factorissimo2. No other mods.
I have an issue with getting water from ground. In the mod-setting I find under "Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates" "Enable ground water boring recipes". Description of it: "If enabled, the water pump can bore for water anywhere in the map..."
So, there is no entity called "water pump". I can't place the Water Pumpjack anywhere. The offshore pump, as usual, only in water.
So how to bore for water?
Re: [0.15.x] Ground water boring
Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 2:29 pm
by British_Petroleum
There should be water deposits on the map, they look like oil deposits except blue, some make normal water and others lithia water. Water pumpjack is placed on these
if you have the water from anywhere setting on, then you can place one of bob's pumps anywhere (you need to research them) and select the water recipe iirc. They are different to the vanilla pump and the water pump jacks
Re: [0.15.x] Ground water boring
Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 3:16 pm
by bobingabout
The recipes are reminiscent from the old 0.12 era before the water patches were added to the ores mod.
When you turn that setting on, it will re-add the recipes to the game. The entity you use to get water this way is the same one used to barrel fluids. I probably renamed it to something else, maybe a barrelling pump. I can't remember, I would have to look it up.
Re: [0.15.x] Ground water boring
Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 7:03 am
by drozh
Thank for quick response!
the entity I searched for called "pump", "pump MK2" etc. thanks for helping!
The vanilla pump called also "pump".
Bob you shoud definitely rename your pump. Is there a recipe / function to pumping though? from input to output like vanilla pump? If not, then there is no need to call it just "pump". Maybe "ground pump" or somesing with "bore"?
The second issue is, i can now place your pump anywhere, choose a bore recipe and get: water, pure water or lithia water. it is a little bit overkill / cheaty. What about "dirty water" which must first cleaned / filtred? if the water would be hot, lets say 80 - 100 °C, then it could be used for geothermal energy
Re: [0.15.x] Ground water boring
Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 7:53 am
by bobingabout
drozh wrote:Thank for quick response!
the entity I searched for called "pump", "pump MK2" etc. thanks for helping!
The vanilla pump called also "pump".
Bob you shoud definitely rename your pump. Is there a recipe / function to pumping though? from input to output like vanilla pump? If not, then there is no need to call it just "pump". Maybe "ground pump" or somesing with "bore"?
The second issue is, i can now place your pump anywhere, choose a bore recipe and get: water, pure water or lithia water. it is a little bit overkill / cheaty. What about "dirty water" which must first cleaned / filtred? if the water would be hot, lets say 80 - 100 °C, then it could be used for geothermal energy
That's why it's an option that's turned off by default. It was included mostly because that's how it was back in 0.12, and some people who used to play back then still like to use that instead of the new water mining system.
I wasn't going to do it for 0.15, but the requests for it to come back started to roll in.