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[BUG report] Can't craft Circuits after Plastics Research
Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 4:33 am
by Lucky_Evie
The image says it all: After researching Plastics, the Wooden Board recipe is replaced by the Synthetic Wood version, and it is no longer possible to craft circuits in the player inventory.
It is, obviously, still possible to autocraft them in Assembly machines, but it becomes sort of a hassle when crafting on the fly.
Factorio Version: 0.15.9
Bob's Electronics Version: 0.15.0
Re: [BUG report] Can't craft Circuits after Plastics Research
Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 5:11 am
by Lucky_Evie
Welp, I just realized this has been around since 0.10, that's quite a shame. Is Factorio missing the equivalent of the "Oredict" from Forge or something? Seems to me, synthetic wood should have been removed from the pack a hell of a long time ago, doesn't this affect, like, absolutely everyone that plays with Bob's Mods?
I just disabled Bob's Electronics complete, seeing this was a problem. On top of *such* complexity to get advanced circuits going, I guess it was just a "last straw".
Re: [BUG report] Can't craft Circuits after Plastics Research
Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 6:47 am
by bobingabout
My original reaction is "not this again".
Basically, you CAN still hand craft everything! It doesn't stop you crafting anything at all! you just have to make sure you craft wooden boards from wood manually before you make the circuit boards. Unfortunately for this mod, the base game has changed the way queued construction works so that things you are currently crafting don't get used by new recipes.
Anyway, the problem with synthetic wood is... what should I do with it?
If I have it so that you make normal wood synthetically... then you get the exact same issue where it won't automatically craft wood from logs, because it wants to make them from oil!
I'm going to try that one again, when I get around to it, Synthetic wood is on my list of things to look at for this very reason. Unfortunately the only viable option seems to be to remove synthetic wood entirely. I'd rather not do that, but if it's the only viable option, I will.
Re: [BUG report] Can't craft Circuits after Plastics Research
Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 9:20 pm
by SpeedDaemon
If you don't plan on ever using synthetic wood to make boards, try this:
Back up mods\bobelectronics_<version>\prototypes\electronics.lua
Edit that file, and remove this:
Code: Select all
type = "recipe",
name = "wooden-board-synthetic",
category = "electronics",
enabled = false,
ingredients =
{"synthetic-wood", 1},
result = "wooden-board",
result_count = 2
Re: [BUG report] Can't craft Circuits after Plastics Research
Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 1:00 pm
by kinnom
bobingabout wrote:
If I have it so that you make normal wood synthetically... then you get the exact same issue where it won't automatically craft wood from logs, because it wants to make them from oil!
Not really. because synthetic wood is made with liquids, it's ignored when hand-crafting
Re: [BUG report] Can't craft Circuits after Plastics Research
Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 1:46 pm
by bobingabout
I'm going to give that a try.
Re: [BUG report] Can't craft Circuits after Plastics Research
Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 2:55 pm
by orzelek
It would help if you would make all recipes that use synthetic wood only machine craftable. It should ignore the presence of synthetic wood then for hand crafting.
Re: [BUG report] Can't craft Circuits after Plastics Research
Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 9:15 pm
by bobingabout
It's done, Synthetic wood as an item is gone, you now make real wood synthetically.