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[0.15.X] Automated construction

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 9:28 pm
by tjumeaux

I've been trying out the mods recently (they are amazing by the way :p) and I'm stuck on something.
I can't find the automated construction research (should be under contruction robots research ?) to create the plans for construction/deconstruction.

I don't know if I'm missing a mod, an option or because it's not available for 0.15.X

Currently these mods are installed :
- assembly
- config (0.14)
- electronics
- enemies
- greenhouse
- inserters
- library
- locale
- logistics
- mining
- modules
- ores
- plates
- power
- revamp
- tech (0.14)
- vehicle equipment
- warfare

and all are activated. It's only bob mods and base mod.

Could you please point me out what I'm missing ? :(

Thanks !

Re: [0.15.X] Automated construction

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 9:32 pm
by arbarbonif
It is free in .15. If you hit 'B' (or click on the icon in the menu bar) you can create blueprints, deconstruction planners and blueprint books. It was changed in vanilla .15.

Re: [0.15.X] Automated construction

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 9:34 pm
by tjumeaux
Thanks !!!
Made my night :)
I just switched to 0.15

Re: [0.15.X] Automated construction

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 10:55 pm
by bobingabout
Config is obsolete and not needed anymore (configurations are in game now)
I have also released a few updates tonight, including the first release of bobtech.

As for your issue, yes, base game change.