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Recipes & what they are used for?
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 7:17 am
by Gyrannon
I'm using all of Bob's Mods except the Inserter's Migration mod (suggested I don't need it by another player) and Research Progress Saver (the name was in red font when toggling the mods in the game), and I'm wondering if there's a recipes list as well as a "what does this do?" list for the extra stuff, for instance the "Electrolyser", I don't have a clue what that is or what it is used for.
I would like to know if there's a detailed description of the added content in those mods so I don't go all trial, error, screw up, monumental F*k up, and then maybe after wasting tons of resource & time, I find out its something not really important.
Its like playing Fallout, you find a gun that looks cool, but you dunno if its better or worse than your best gun. Now say you take that gun our for a test, but you haven't saved for a while & it took you hours to get this far, you test it on a Death Claw, but instead of a regular, you come across an Alpha. You shoot the gun, but it doesn't seem to do anything, and the Death Claw just got a serious boost & one shots you.
I know my example sounds a bit ridiculous, but since I dunno what to expect from the new content added by the mods or how or what to use them for, I felt it was needed to get my point across.
Re: Recipes & what they are used for?
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 12:08 pm
by bobingabout
There isn't a list, no. I did start making one back when I Started modding, but found it difficult to keep it up to date with the large number of changes I was making.
Electrolysers are pretty important, the first thing you'll notice you can make with them is Oxygen and Hydrogen gasses, which are fairly widely used resources in my mods. Another use being Chlorine when you have level 2 and chemical processing 1, not as widely used, but still important, as it is used to make ferric Chloride, used in electronics recipes.
My best advice though, short of trial and error, is to browse through the research tree. You'll notice things like Aluminium processing requires Electrolysis.
Re: Recipes & what they are used for?
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 12:14 pm
by daniel34 ... t-used-for
I like to play modpacks I've never used before and the mod linked above helps a lot when determining what items are required for a new item, what I can do with a specific item...
Re: Recipes & what they are used for?
Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 10:18 am
by Gyrannon
bobingabout wrote:There isn't a list, no. I did start making one back when I Started modding, but found it difficult to keep it up to date with the large number of changes I was making.
If thats true, how are you able to even make the changes? I also have a list, especially in D&D (I play 2e), it would drive me nuts if I'm unable to track the changes (found if I didn't have a list that I'd be more prone to make a lot more screw ups, but if I had a list there'd be less backtracking & a lot less time wasted).
Think of it like this (if you play/played D&D) - you're playing as a generalized wizard, in the player's hand book for just the Wizard's Spells, there's 33 spells for Abjuration, 146 for Alteration, and that's just 2 schools of wizardry, there's 11 more schools. On top of that, MOST of these spells have a page worth of detailed descriptions each. Course you won't have that many spells at the start of a new game, unless you start as a really high level mage, THEN you'll have 1/4 of those spells (which is still a TON).
No list: You could spend hours looking through the Player's Hand Book for just one spell to use, also you'd have to consider what the spell requires to even cast (besides having to have it memorized).
List: It could take a few mins at most unless you know everything about the spell by heart, then it could take seconds.
Even for a game like Factorio, you'd have to have an extremely well organized mind to memorize what everything is & what it does & what they can be used for & what they require to even make, and thats just for Vanilla. What you've added to the game.... Jeeez... You make the Devs seem lazy by comparison.
Thanks, that will be really helpful
Re: Recipes & what they are used for?
Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 11:05 am
by bobingabout
I go off the top of my head.
There are change logs, so if you want to know what's changed from one version to another, you can look it up.
but for the most part, I have a picture of what my mod looks like in my head, and I work with that, and if I ever need to remember what something actually is (More detailed than just the picture in my head), I either look it up in code, or in game on either the crafting menu, or technology tree.
I also have a todo list, that lists all my plans, and the little things that need changing as I'm working on the mod, it's rare something happens without being typed in my todo list first. This basically means a lot of the planning side of things can be scattered over quite some time, and researched, and checked against what is actually in the game so that it makes sense.
So, is there a list of every recipe, and machine, and what they're used for? no.
Is there a mod blueprint? Yes, the code itself. As a modder, of the level that I am, that's all I really need.
Re: Recipes & what they are used for?
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 12:21 am
by Deadly-Bagel
Not to mention when you reach this level of complexity, the charts to keep track of everything would be harder to read than the code itself.
Once you get into the mods they're not that difficult. There's a bunch more ores and resources and more steps in crafting stuff but the game itself hasn't changed much. The only recipe I can think of that loops back into itself (thus creating something of a complexity not found in base game) is Greenhouses and it's a very simple implementation.
Otherwise, what's there to keep track of? Hover over a recipe and it tells you what it's made in. Mixing metals = Metal Mixing Furnace. Processing liquids or gasses > Chemical Furnace. Changing the structure of liquids or gasses > Electrolyser. Performing physical action to components (eg constructing, crushing) > Assembling Machine. They're pretty self explanatory.
Re: Recipes & what they are used for?
Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 8:56 am
by bobingabout
Also, a lot (but not all) of the intermediates are organised by Type in the logistics menus (is it a compound, metal or alloy etc), or by what it's made in on the crafting menu (Big help to figure out what factory to use).
Also, Yeah, try drawing a tree with some of these things, and there's so many crossed paths it's silly.