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Bob's Science Pack 4 ?????

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 6:43 pm
by MikeinCA
Finally after many frustrating hours of getting the 4th science pack for Bob's mod, when I go to the tree it calls for the "dark blue" science pack, when I hit research, it shows it is calling for the standard alien science pack. Is something wrong?

Re: Bob's Science Pack 4 ?????

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 9:03 pm
by bobingabout
It doesn't sound right. if the research tells you it needs science pack 4, it should use science pack 4, not alien science pack.

unfortunately, I can't really say or do anything without more specific details, such as what technology it is, what mods you have installed, if you're using the correct lab, etc.

Re: Bob's Science Pack 4 ?????

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 11:10 pm
by MikeinCA
It seems to be all technology calling for Science Pack 4. I have all of the Bob tech mods installed, plus Water Well, landfill and "What is it"

When you say "What lab it is" that might be the answer... Is there a different lab that must be used to utilize Science Tech 4?

Updated: That is it... I have to use the MK2 labs... First time using your Mod. Doh! :lol:

Re: Bob's Science Pack 4 ?????

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 8:48 am
by bobingabout
MikeinCA wrote:It seems to be all technology calling for Science Pack 4. I have all of the Bob tech mods installed, plus Water Well, landfill and "What is it"

When you say "What lab it is" that might be the answer... Is there a different lab that must be used to utilize Science Tech 4?

Updated: That is it... I have to use the MK2 labs... First time using your Mod. Doh! :lol:
Yup, MK2 lab for Science pack 4.
And there are actually other labs for other things, like Modules, and Alien science.

But I'm glad you figured it out.

Re: Bob's Science Pack 4 ?????

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:18 pm
by mozair
Hi, I have a very similar issue, but haven't yet found the solution for it yet.

I'm playing a heavily modded campaign, so I don't believe this is a Bob's mod specific issue, but I suppose it is worth a shot:

I got one research (missile shooting speed 5) that requires MK1 and MK2 science packs. Any ideas what I could do to fix this?

so I can't use MK1:

neither can I use MK2:

Digging into it a little bit, I found this from "Research 15":

Code: Select all

    type = "technology",
    name = "rocket-speed-5",
    icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/rocket-speed.png",
    effects =
        type = "gun-speed",
        ammo_category = "rocket",
        modifier = "0.3"
    prerequisites = {"rocket-speed-4"},
    unit =
      count = 300,
      ingredients =
        {"science-pack-1", 1},
        {"science-pack-2", 1},
        {"science-pack-3", 1},
        {"military-science-pack", 3},
        {"production-science-pack", 1},
        {"high-tech-science-pack", 1}
      time = 60
    upgrade = true,
    order = "e-j-j"

I believe some replacement function (that introduces/changes science pack 4) might be interacting with that and resulting in an unresearchable tech.

any suggestions are deeply appreciated

******* update *******

I found out that bob's warfare has this line

Code: Select all"rocket-speed-5", "science-pack-4", 1)
and just changed it to fix my savefile.

considering that adding the science-pack 4 can conflict with other tech mods (like research 15), I'm wondering if it would be advisable to try to replace the tech before adding it, or something along those lines.

anyway, hope this is helpful. I absolutely adore bob's mods : ).

Re: Bob's Science Pack 4 ?????

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 2:57 pm
by bobingabout
I'm not really planning to make any changes until 0.15 launches, but... My suggestion is to just not use my bobtech mod with science15. If you uninstall bobtech, then science pack 4 won't exist, so won't be added to the other recipe edited by Science15.

The better solution though would be to have the additional science packs added to my advanced lab.

It should be okay with the 0.15 version of factorio though when I write it, because the higher level labs will have the additional science packs.

Re: Bob's Science Pack 4 ?????

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 5:26 pm
by mozair
awesome, thanks for the suggestions.

looking forward to see what you'll do with 0.15 : )