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Bug with BobsMods?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 1:59 am
by JustAGuy
So the below appears every time I launch since I updated my mods. Anyone got any advice as Im stumped and the Forums have a lack of information about this specific probelem, the only info I found is that its caused by a BobMod but not specified one nor how to resolve it other then not running the mod

All my mods are the latest version and I am Running 14.9 Factorio. For convince are the mods installed are:
  • AngelsOreSilo (0.2.2)
    AngelsInfiniteOre (0.4.1)
    AngelsPetroChem (0.1.12)
    AngelsProcessing (0.2.0)
    AngelsRefining (0.3.6)
    BobAssembling (0.14.0
    BobEnemies (0.14.0)
    BobLibairy (0.14.2
    BobLogistics (0.14.2)
    BobMining (0.14.0)
    BobOres (0.14.0)
    BobPlates (0.14.0
    BobPower (0.14.0)
    BobRevamp (0.14.1)
    BobTech (0.14.0)
    BobVehicleEquipment (14.1)
    BobWarfare (14.2)
    DarkMatterReplicator (6.3)
    Nucular (1.0.4)
    UraniumPower (0.6.5)
    Yuoki (0.4.59)

Re: Bug with BobsMods?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 6:56 am
by bobingabout
Hmm, that is an item from my electronics mod.

It has been a long time since I've actually done any tests on this, but my mods should account for the presence, or absense of said item, and use it if it exists, or not if it doesn't.

What I would sugest is basically... disable all mods other than my own (you might need to do that manually by editing mods-list.json if you can't load the game due to the error), and see if that fixes the problem. if it still happens, then it's something I need to fix. if it doesn't happen, turn on the other mods one by one, or a few at a time to narrow down exactly which mod is causing the issue.

Re: Bug with BobsMods?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 7:04 am
by Arch666Angel
That's from one of mine probably: If you use my mods you NEED the whole bobs suit, I wont adjust to every possible combination of bob mods.

Re: Bug with BobsMods?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 9:32 am
by bobingabout
Ah, then that's probably your reason.

I must admit though, Part of the popularity of my mods is that you CAN pick and choose which parts to install, but making that possible isn't easy sometimes. you pretty much just have to write a generic recipe, then have a script that says "If this replace that with this" for every material, sometimes nested.

Re: Bug with BobsMods?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 2:31 pm
by JustAGuy
Ok, So I managed to identify it as One of Angel's Mods, specifically "AngelRefining", without it the other Mods load and the game will launch and I am able to play. But the in-game Mod menu says it needs this AngelMod to run the others, see the problem? And in terms in installing every other BobMod that I don't have and expecting the AngelMods to work that fix didn't work. It took about a second longer to crash but it still did not make it past the "Building Prototype" section of the start-up screen.

Edit: The error is isolated to AngelRefining, running other AngelMods but this one will not crash the game with the exception of AngelPetroChem as it relies on Refining.

Re: Bug with BobsMods?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 2:45 pm
by Arch666Angel
In speacial your are missing bobelectronics, put that in and it should work.

Re: Bug with BobsMods?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 2:48 pm
by Arch666Angel
bobingabout wrote:Ah, then that's probably your reason.

I must admit though, Part of the popularity of my mods is that you CAN pick and choose which parts to install, but making that possible isn't easy sometimes. you pretty much just have to write a generic recipe, then have a script that says "If this replace that with this" for every material, sometimes nested.
Yeah but I decided pretty early on that I wont carter to that, because adding my mods should make it more complex, whats the point then to drop the parts of your mods that specially add complexity (plates and electronics)? Also like you say it is a lot of work, more so because of the amount of stuff my mods come with. Maybe when I'm done with everything I may rework things and start catering to these wishes, but with the pace I'm going that will take years :D

Re: Bug with BobsMods?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 4:21 pm
by JustAGuy
Wow, I was certain that I had it but after checking my Mods list, turns out I don't. I installed it, along with AngelRefining and AngelPetroChem, it now works. Thanks Guys :D

Re: Bug with BobsMods?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:10 pm
by Arch666Angel
JustAGuy wrote:Wow, I was certain that I had it but after checking my Mods list, turns out I don't. I installed it, along with AngelRefining and AngelPetroChem, it now works. Thanks Guys :D
It's easy to miss one or two mods in a list if you use the ingame mod portal for download, happens to me all the time.

Re: Bug with BobsMods?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 8:39 pm
by lokutus1986131
have a bug dont know why
have a bug dont know why
error.PNG (172.41 KiB) Viewed 5496 times

Re: Bug with BobsMods?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 10:47 am
by bobingabout
The likely cause is that there are multiple mods trying to register an item with the same name as different types.

Mine has it as a tool(Non-standard), so that it can be used in the research lab. Another mod might have it as the standard item, which causes the issue.

Can you please list any non-bob mods you have installed?

Re: Bug with BobsMods?

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 1:22 pm
by lokutus1986131
was a loot mods and erros sortit out after kicking andres mod and belt thingys and yukiys mods was in as well

Re: Bug with BobsMods?

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 11:35 am
by bobingabout
Looking at the list, my first guess would be Andrew's Modules mod.

If you are unaware, Andrew basically made his mods by editing mine without permission. As such, I am unwilling to support any issues caused by using my mods along with Andrews. I hope you understand my stance on this.

My first suggestion would be to remove Andrews Modules mod, and try again.

If you still have issues, well, remove all other mods, and add them back one by one until you find one that breaks the game, and if so, then I'll take a look at it.

I hope you can understand that a long list like that is a little much for me to try and diagnose. As long as it's not an Andrew mod.

Re: Bug with BobsMods?

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 12:49 pm
by PiggyWhiskey
Arch666Angel wrote:
bobingabout wrote:Ah, then that's probably your reason.

I must admit though, Part of the popularity of my mods is that you CAN pick and choose which parts to install, but making that possible isn't easy sometimes. you pretty much just have to write a generic recipe, then have a script that says "If this replace that with this" for every material, sometimes nested.
Yeah but I decided pretty early on that I wont carter to that, because adding my mods should make it more complex, whats the point then to drop the parts of your mods that specially add complexity (plates and electronics)? Also like you say it is a lot of work, more so because of the amount of stuff my mods come with. Maybe when I'm done with everything I may rework things and start catering to these wishes, but with the pace I'm going that will take years :D

I understand that it should be more complex, I usually skip Bobs Electronics because for me it's too complicated and doesn't have an easy pattern to use (3/2 for Basic, 8/1 for Advanced)

From my limited understand of Building Mods it seems quite easy to cater to missing Bobs Electronics. Especially as that's normally the one skipped.

Having the main Bobs Recipes without the Bobs Circuits, and in recipe_updates.lua replace them with the Bobs Versions if they exist


Code: Select all

if data.raw.item["silver-plate"] then
  bobmods.lib.recipe.replace_ingredient("solar-panel-equipment-2", "copper-plate", "silver-plate")
The main reason means if I want to pick and choose Bobs (as he designed it) I must have all or nothing.
Or entirely skip Angels Mods.