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Wood Requirement

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 12:20 pm
by Adventurer
Hello, I recently tried your modset and I was enjoying myself for the most part. However when I was trying to automate green science packs I found that I required wood... and gathering is not something that this modset is able to automate.

I asked for help on the Discord and they recommended I install TreeFarm or Greenhouse. Given they aren't a part of the modset, that felt like cheating to me. Furthermore I've heard negative things about both mods. After looking around a lot I learned there is a new version of TreeFarm Lite that came out just recently, however trying it out it was very clunky and the documentation on the proper use of it was practically nonexistent.

I decided to simply put the modset down because the idea of patching a hole like this with a mod that isn't a part of the modset was simply unappealing. I would request that you implement your own greenhouse or treefarm. And as an aside, I like creating 'green' bases, so it would be cool if there was some way to reduce the pollution of an area through technology, like air filters and such.

Thanks for listening.

Re: Wood Requirement

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 1:54 pm
by bobingabout
I am aware of this hole, and will be implementing something similar to greenhouse (not that I've actually tried that one, I use Treefarm).

I was actually on the hunt for some graphics recently, I'm not going to say you should expect my greenhouse soon, but don't be surprised when it shows up.

Re: Wood Requirement

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 1:57 pm
by Adventurer
bobingabout wrote:I am aware of this hole, and will be implementing something similar to greenhouse (not that I've actually tried that one, I use Treefarm).

I was actually on the hunt for some graphics recently, I'm not going to say you should expect my greenhouse soon, but don't be surprised when it shows up.
What version of Treefarm do you use out of curiosity?

This is the one I found: (Apparently there's a new version as of 3 hours ago too).

I don't really understand it though, there's no documentation, and for some reason you have to click the field instead of the box next to the field to put stuff in it.

Though, regarding the hole - why not just have an option to take the wood component off of those circuit boards? As I understand, you can make synthetic wood later.

Re: Wood Requirement

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 3:16 pm
by bobingabout
Adventurer wrote: What version of Treefarm do you use out of curiosity?

This is the one I found: (Apparently there's a new version as of 3 hours ago too).

I don't really understand it though, there's no documentation, and for some reason you have to click the field instead of the box next to the field to put stuff in it.
I use the same mod, but a version from a few months ago, I don't know what version specifically without checking.
Adventurer wrote:Though, regarding the hole - why not just have an option to take the wood component off of those circuit boards? As I understand, you can make synthetic wood later.
Well, if you removed wood, you have to replace it with something else. In this low level board, it is available long before you can make synthetic wood, so you'd need some other non-conductive material. Basically, I replace Iron with Wood, because the use of Iron doesn't make sense, and they used to really use wood as an electronics backing.

Re: Wood Requirement

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 4:03 pm
by steinio
First i had recommend you also treefarm but i guess you are right.

Bob*s mods are like a masterpiece but there is no automated wood.
Maybe bob sees a chance to invent bobs sawmill & forester with a simplified mechanism for treeplanting.

The basic ores iron, copper and stone are not suitable for circuit boards.
Bob's ores Tin, Silver, Gold, Galena (Lead), Tungsten, Bauxite (Aluminium), Zinc, and Rutile (Titanium ore) also.

Only Quartz ore could be mashed and pressed to some plate.

Or there must be some new ore like bambus weed ;)

Greetings steinio

Re: Wood Requirement

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 4:26 pm
by MtnDew
Adventurer wrote:I don't really understand it though, there's no documentation, and for some reason you have to click the field instead of the box next to the field to put stuff in it.
The chest is for inserter interaction. You can insert saplings and pull wood from it. The field itself is for manual interaction.

Re: Wood Requirement

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 8:38 pm
by TheSAguy
You could always use Bio Farm ;)

Re: Wood Requirement

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 11:37 pm
by CMH
I thought it was ingenious: you have to manually harvest wood from trees until you can set up synthetic wood production. Which really isn't too far up the tech tree anyway.

I don't feel as if there's any changes required.

Re: Wood Requirement

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 11:53 pm
by Slayer1557
CMH wrote:I thought it was ingenious: you have to manually harvest wood from trees until you can set up synthetic wood production. Which really isn't too far up the tech tree anyway.

I don't feel as if there's any changes required.
My thoughts exactly. I heard so many people suggest treefarm or similar mods, I was a little worried. Got into the mod pack with no other mods, and had absolutely no issues with wood. I cut down a few hundred logs or something, just getting area to work with. My starting area was wooded, but not heavily so. And that was all I needed until I had synthetic wood running, and since then I have never had an issue. Had a slight hiccup when my starting oil wells dwindled, but for now I'm cracking coal into heavy oil to bridge the gap.

A wood farming mod or addition to bobs mods is not necessary unless you decide to start in a barren area, like the desert. Even then you could get by, just by taking a trip to the woods and cutting down a solid bundle of wood, and that will be all you need.

Re: Wood Requirement

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 4:57 am
by Adventurer
CMH wrote:I thought it was ingenious: you have to manually harvest wood from trees until you can set up synthetic wood production. Which really isn't too far up the tech tree anyway.

I don't feel as if there's any changes required.
It's very much against the spirit of the game to make you do things manually past the point you get the 'Automation' technology. Having that single hole where you HAVE to grind is inelegant and should be addressed.

Re: Wood Requirement

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 6:20 am
by CMH
Not sure if that was sarcasm.

I had a good run with using wood in my production line when I got bots. Just put down a roboport and a chest, and get construction bots (don't even need that many) to chop down a forest for you. Much farther down the tech tree than oil is, but much cheaper than using oil.

Re: Wood Requirement

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 12:21 am
by Neemys
CMH wrote:Not sure if that was sarcasm.

I had a good run with using wood in my production line when I got bots. Just put down a roboport and a chest, and get construction bots (don't even need that many) to chop down a forest for you. Much farther down the tech tree than oil is, but much cheaper than using oil.
If you use mod like the science overhaul, you will need lots of forest... and they aren't renewable unlike oil ;)

Re: Wood Requirement

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 5:21 am
by CMH
I did play through a game with expensive science AND marathon at the same time (yes, I'm nuts). I do know the pain.

Even then, I'm pretty sure I could rush oil production, and it still wouldn't take that long. Not sure if your playstyle is different, but I remember lots of downtime waiting for stuff to happen in that game... so just use it to chop some trees.

The renewable fact isn't that big a deal when the resource is infinite (due to the nature of the map being infinite). Besides, you no longer need it after you get to oil, and how much wood would it take anyway? Not to mention that until advanced oil processing, heavy oil tends to just sit in the tanks mingling with the light oil in neighbouring tanks...

And if it still is a problem, I believe bobingabout did say he's working on adding a tree-farm into his mod sometime in the future, failing which there is a mod to add just that.

Re: Wood Requirement

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 7:05 am
by bobingabout
CMH wrote:The renewable fact isn't that big a deal when the resource is infinite (due to the nature of the map being infinite).
You wouldn't be saying that if you saw my latest map. basically, there's the starting area... and aliens. so in the scope of early game, the starting area is all you have.
CMH wrote:And if it still is a problem, I believe bobingabout did say he's working on adding a tree-farm into his mod sometime in the future, failing which there is a mod to add just that.
More like Greenhouse than Treefarm, but yes.

Re: Wood Requirement

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 1:13 pm
by Arch666Angel
What i did in my processing mod: Take sodium hydroxide and cellulose fibers to produce wood boards not 100% accurate bbut solves a bit of both problems. In real sodium might be used in paper production.

Re: Wood Requirement

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 4:02 pm
by CMH
I was thinking the same thing there Arch666Angel.

It's a game, we get "artistic license" to bend reality :D

I added in my mod (which I didn't update here) an increase in NaOH requirement for alumina and silver oxide production (x5 and x3 respectively).