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Barrels for Petroleum

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:40 pm
by PhantomKnight
Not sure if it's further into the research, or if it's not available. I just want to be able to cart all my liquid oil based products in barrels, and I found the light, the heavy, and other non-oil based liquids like HCl, Ferric Chloride, Lubricant, and Sulfuric Acid. If it's not there, how can I add it?

Re: Barrels for Petroleum

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:55 pm
by bobingabout
PhantomKnight wrote:Not sure if it's further into the research, or if it's not available. I just want to be able to cart all my liquid oil based products in barrels, and I found the light, the heavy, and other non-oil based liquids like HCl, Ferric Chloride, Lubricant, and Sulfuric Acid. If it's not there, how can I add it?
There are 3 types of "Barrel" in my mod:
Barrels: Carry most fluids, including base game fluids, and some of my own.
Canisters: Made with Plastics, Carry Fuel and Ferric Chloride.
Gas Bottles: Carry those that should be an "Air" catagory fluid, such as Oxygen, Hydrogen and... Petroleum Gas.

Gas Bottles use the air compressor to pack and unpack them, where the barrels and canisters use the water pump.

Re: Barrels for Petroleum

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 6:16 pm
by PhantomKnight
Thanks, didn't notice before, because I completely ignored the air compressor and it's researches. Didn't get far enough to need nitrogen processing or things that I thought may have needed air compressing.