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Restructuring Armor + Equipment

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 11:20 pm
by Ghosty4
We currently have an "armor" page which lists all armors, a "modular armor" page that list all armors and all equipment, no dedicated equipment page and seperate pages for every single armor and equipment piece separately, most of which are stubs containing the exact same information (or sometimes even less) as the "modular armor" page. There's also a navbar that sometimes appears but sometimes doesn't linking all the various player equipment pages together.

I'm going to be restructuring all these pages to be consistent and felt it wouldn't hurt to have a thread on it for input (or worst comes to the worst, have a decent record of what I've done for when someone decides to do it better)

Essentially, I'd like to focus around the Player Equipment table EquipNav ... e=EquipNav :
1: The Player Equipment heading will lead to a small abstract about player defences, which should be useful as a new player entry point.
2: The category headings should be their own pages, to explain general functions, with a quick listing of it's content aimed towards comparison.
3: Each individual item (With possible exceptions?) should have it's own page to go into depth, with pictures/animations of use and listings of requirements and resources.

But yes, if there's any plans regarding structures and hierarchies of player character items we'll collect them here as a help to people who add to it in the future.