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Add some Extension into the wiki

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 1:55 pm
by dyf123
I suggest that the wiki site can add this Extensions to make edit easier:,a very helpful Editor which is better than the original Editor in mediawiki. ... dTemplates, make easier to test the template's Expanding even which used the ParserFunctions.
I hope that the sysop of wiki site will agree about this idea.Thanks. :D

Re: Add some Extension into the wiki

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 4:23 pm
by TheWombatGuru
I'd love to see the first extension be added, though I'm already used to doing everything manually, but for new users it would be helpful.
I'm not quite sure about the second one, but I don't think adding it will harm the wiki, so that's fine

Re: Add some Extension into the wiki

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:43 am
by dyf123
TheWombatGuru wrote:I'd love to see the first extension be added, though I'm already used to doing everything manually, but for new users it would be helpful.
I'm not quite sure about the second one, but I don't think adding it will harm the wiki, so that's fine
Ok,Maybe it agrees to install these extensions,I want to know about when to put them on the wiki site ?