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Oil Processing Consumption/Consumption Values

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 1:00 am
by VenomousFire
I'm currently in the process of designing a massive oil processing center, and I was using the wiki values for production and consumption to determine the inputs and outputs. However, I think I noticed a discrepancy in the table "Petroleum Production output with modules". It appears the values were calculated like so:
Total Petroleum Output(config 1):
55/5=11.1 petroleum gas per second
11.1×1.3 productivity bonus=14.43
14.43*4.55 speed bonus=65.6565 petroleum per second
First of all, the value itself seems slightly off from the wiki's value of 65.065, though this is relatively minor. Rather, the main issue I think is that the speed bonus should be 5.55, not 4.55 since 4.55 is the +% bonus, and doesn't account for the base level 1 speed of the refinery. I'm not sure if I'm missing something or if this is an actual miscalculation. If it is, then this appears to apply to most numbers in the chart, not just the example total petroleum output.

Re: Oil Processing Consumption/Consumption Values

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 10:13 am
by Bilka
The "Crafting speed multiplier" row in the table on the wiki already shows the percentage bonus + 100%. You can easily see this if you build the setup using the config 1: the tooltip of the refinery displays +355% speed, not +455%.


Re: Oil Processing Consumption/Consumption Values

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 5:02 pm
by VenomousFire
I see that I was wrong. I guess the confusion came because the wiki does not use the most optimal setup for oil refineries in a row. The setup below, for example, gets 10 beacons on every refinery and is fully tileable.
I can't really think of any reason the wiki shouldn't recommend a design like this, since it is more efficient than putting 4 per refinery. I'm curious to see if there is any underlying thought process behind the decision to include only 8 beacons per refinery, not the full 10.