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HTML5 video

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 12:31 pm
by ForFoxAche
Is it possible to use HTML5 video on the wiki instead of normal .gifs?

Some information is listed here, at gfycat. I'm not saying we should use gfycat specifically but that it would be beneficial to use HTML5 videos instead of gifs

Re: HTML5 video

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 10:47 am
by ssilk
Oh, I was so used to, that nobody writes into this forum, that I've overseen it. :)

Well, hm, I looked a bit into that and what it does is, that you upload the pics to gfycat. And not into the wiki.

That is - from wiki-standpoint - a big problem, cause it means, that the pic is an external content, which is not part of the wiki. Mediawiki is here very consequent!

And when I think about it: the biggest gif-animation we currently have is this:
Or this:

That's around 2 MB. I think they won't go much bigger than that. It looses information, if you do.

The regular ones should not be bigger than that: ... AListFiles

They are normally around 200 - 600 KiB. 300x300px. I think that's ok and that is also a good format...

Re: HTML5 video

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 9:38 pm
by ForFoxAche
Haha, yeah I noticed that this forum is a bit dead.

I didn't mean that the content should be uploaded to gfycat. I was rather hoping that someone could maybe dig up a way to do it with MediaWik, but if the bandwidth isn't an issue I guess we're good to go. I do like the ability to have higher fps without massive file-sizes

Re: HTML5 video

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 6:23 am
by ssilk
I think gif is so easy, that nearly everybody can make them.
It's also explained in the wiki: ... animations and before
Other formats will make things much more complicated and I think it's much more important to create content now then to save space. <<<<so this is not forgotten, but I think it has currently not that relevance.