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Hoping to contribute to modding docs

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 11:56 pm
by aubergine18
Hi - I've recently got my account activated on the wiki and am hoping to contribute to the modding docs. Before doing so I was wondering if anyone else is working in that area of the wiki and if so maybe coordinate efforts?

In particular, I'd like to cover some common aspects of modding such as:

* How to avoid desync in MP games
* How to create multiple entities on item placement (eg. like the Concrete Lamppost mod does)
* How to add custom fonts (which now works since 0.14.3)
* Snippets of interesting code and info from the forums (eg. how to determine which tracks a train is on)
* Maybe even stuff like using the LuaCheck linter to improve code quality

Re: Hoping to contribute to modding docs

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 8:04 am
by TheWombatGuru

As far as I'm aware work hasn't been done in that department for a while now.
If you want to help but are not sure how to (regarding wiki syntax, available templates, Factorio wiki standards), feel free to ask me here, pm me on the forums, or post on my wiki talk page ... WombatGuru

TheWombatGuru, one of the admins on the wiki

Re: Hoping to contribute to modding docs

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 3:16 pm
by aubergine18
I'm familiar with media wiki syntax but not the templates.

Initially I was hoping to "sketch" out content by having a parent page with links on it to various stub pages, the main aim just to get some much needed information in to the wiki that others can later refine if desired.

I imagine that, longer term, some distinct categories of modding content will become apparent - at which point some categorisation can be applied. But initially I feel the focus should be on just getting info in to the wiki.