wiki-article concerning Quality
Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2024 8:17 pm
Hi there,
first of all: great work!
This nice arcticle let me dive into to Quality
Unfortunately i cannot confirm some numbers presented in the article.
I believe there are some mistakes in the formula given in the "Derivation"-section - (but that might just be a typo cause with the presented formulas one is not able to reproduce the authors correct numbers given in the matrix).
The formulas i used were (which i believe were correct):
Common: (1+P) * (1-Q)
Uncommon: (1+P) * (Q - Q/10)
Rare: (1+P) * (Q/10 - Q/10^2)
Epic: (1+P) * (Q/10^2 - Q/10^3)
Legendary: (1+P) * (Q/10^3)
I have some questions to the author to clarify some premise:
- section "Common"
premise 1: using Assembling Machine 3 with 4 Quality3-modules (results in 10% Quality) and a recycler with also 4 Quality3-modules (results in 10% Quality as well)
premise 2: the recycler is used iterative until approaching asymptotic zero output (feeding its output into its input again and again)
premise 3: the "crafts" shown in the table are the reciprocal of the mathematical odds
My calculations of the outcome (get a legendary item) are:
after 1st recycling: 0,000190000
after 2nd recycling: 0,000240625
after 3rd recycling: 0,00026340625
after 4th recycling: 0,000272376367188
in terms of "crafts" that means:
after 1st recycling: 5.263
after 2nd recycling: 4.156
after 3rd recycling: 3.796
after 4th recycling: 3.671
This gradually approaches somewhat around 3500.
The authors result is 1546 crafts.
Why do we differ that much - where is the mistake?
after the first recycling i get (with P=0 and Q=0.1 for Asembler and Recycler):
Common Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary
0,2025 0,0405 0,006075 0,00081 0,000190000
After each loop i remove the legendary fraction and feed the rest back into the recycler - resulting in the numbers shown above.
2) right above the next section "Usage tip" a Matrix is shown.
In the premise the author writes
- To be precise, the maximum quality a recycler can get is 24.8% (4 legendary T3-Quality) - just to not confuse readers
Would like to discuss the topic with the author.
first of all: great work!
This nice arcticle let me dive into to Quality

Unfortunately i cannot confirm some numbers presented in the article.
I believe there are some mistakes in the formula given in the "Derivation"-section - (but that might just be a typo cause with the presented formulas one is not able to reproduce the authors correct numbers given in the matrix).
The formulas i used were (which i believe were correct):
Common: (1+P) * (1-Q)
Uncommon: (1+P) * (Q - Q/10)
Rare: (1+P) * (Q/10 - Q/10^2)
Epic: (1+P) * (Q/10^2 - Q/10^3)
Legendary: (1+P) * (Q/10^3)
I have some questions to the author to clarify some premise:
- section "Common"
premise 1: using Assembling Machine 3 with 4 Quality3-modules (results in 10% Quality) and a recycler with also 4 Quality3-modules (results in 10% Quality as well)
premise 2: the recycler is used iterative until approaching asymptotic zero output (feeding its output into its input again and again)
premise 3: the "crafts" shown in the table are the reciprocal of the mathematical odds
My calculations of the outcome (get a legendary item) are:
after 1st recycling: 0,000190000
after 2nd recycling: 0,000240625
after 3rd recycling: 0,00026340625
after 4th recycling: 0,000272376367188
in terms of "crafts" that means:
after 1st recycling: 5.263
after 2nd recycling: 4.156
after 3rd recycling: 3.796
after 4th recycling: 3.671
This gradually approaches somewhat around 3500.
The authors result is 1546 crafts.
Why do we differ that much - where is the mistake?

after the first recycling i get (with P=0 and Q=0.1 for Asembler and Recycler):
Common Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary
0,2025 0,0405 0,006075 0,00081 0,000190000
After each loop i remove the legendary fraction and feed the rest back into the recycler - resulting in the numbers shown above.
2) right above the next section "Usage tip" a Matrix is shown.
In the premise the author writes
.An example matrix for P of 50% and Q of 25% for both recycling and assembly
- To be precise, the maximum quality a recycler can get is 24.8% (4 legendary T3-Quality) - just to not confuse readers

Would like to discuss the topic with the author.