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Translating the wiki, where to start?
Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 5:08 pm
by fabriksmester
I noticed the Danish version of the wiki is almost completely empty - and what's there looks like it's mostly been ran through Google Translate. I'm starting off by correcting the content that is there, but I am wondering how one would go about translating the rest of the wiki. Does anyone have experience with this?
Re: Translating the wiki, where to start?
Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 5:36 pm
by Bilka
Welcome to the wiki!
The place to start for learning about translating is the
translation guide, it explains some useful templates and guidelines.
For the pages, you may want to translate the
most visited English pages first. However, I found these pages quite intimidating when I personally was translating some of the wiki many years ago. They're large pages with a lot of lingo that you need to work out all at once. So I instead started out with small item pages that were missing in my language, like rocket fuel, to get used to translating. To find pages like that,
Wanted_pages/da is a bit more helpful. But you aren't obligated to follow any order or do any specific page, to you could pick the Danish Wanted Page with the least incoming links if you so desired.
Have fun editing :D
Re: Translating the wiki, where to start?
Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 5:58 pm
by fabriksmester
Thank you, that's helpful:) Fun fact: your username is the name of the biggest supermarket chain in Denmark
Re: Translating the wiki, where to start?
Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 6:11 pm
by Tertius
This post might help, I talked about how I did update all the outdated and missing German pages: