Infobox localization for 2.0
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 2:58 pm
How can overhauled infobox templates better support localization?
Current state and editor workflow:
Current state and editor workflow:
- infobox content is created as English text
- localization editors translate the English text to their language in notepad
- then Editors edit the language template and add a lookup pair <english text> = <localized text>
- if the field with the English text wasn't yet marked for translation lookup, the template needs to be edited and the field marked for translation lookup
- to verify the correct translation, the editor has to wait for the changes to propagate through the cache, then reload the page with the infobox.
- if the original English text wasn't verbatim copied to the language template, the editor has to go through the editing loop again
- if the original English is changed by some editor later, all the translation templates for every language have to be edited and the text changed as well, because it is used as lookup key.
- items, item names, item properties, localized item descriptions are available in a machine readable format in the original game, so much text doesn't need to be added manually by editors at all but instead generated from the game files
- if some infobox text is generated from game data, even the whole item pages with their infoboxes can be generated from game data, because that's available in the *.lua files provided for mods. This could make the wiki go life on the first day of the expansion with all item pages and infoboxes for all items pre-existing and filled with the most important data already with no editor required to create them.
- if values can differ because of activated expansions or expansion parts, expensive mode, quality, and may be other game features, dynamic generation of these values can be considered. Relevant base data could be converted from *.lua to Javascript, then Javascript functions included by the wiki and compute actual values in the infobox dynamically, depending on chosen parameters.