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Modal of available energy production in vanilla games

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 7:36 am
by Linver
Hi all!
I'm just balancing a mod content, and because I want release a new feature included in a big mod (Krastorio 2) and a standalone version usable pratically only with vanilla stuff, I'm thinking about how balance the energy consumption of this feature.
Because with a big mods the modal energy production is higher than a vanilla, I want know from someone else that maybe have some savegames or some data, what is the modal available energy production of a vanilla game in the mid-game phase, also will be nice understand the energy consumption to now what is the effective "free energy" in the general network.

Thanks all attention.

Re: Modal of available energy production in vanilla games

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 9:08 am
by azesmbog
Pure vanilla. Late game.
44 GW current consumption, 50 GW available.
I am building additional 10-15 GW modules.
in reserve.
But this is ordinary energy.
Solar probably does not work out so much and do not stock up :))

Re: Modal of available energy production in vanilla games

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 9:33 am
by Linver
Hey! I'm more interested in the mid game, in fact I don' t think that we can say that 20GW is about mid game, maybe is more a sort of 1GW, efore the nuclear power is difficult reach 1GW, but I'm not sure of the experience of other players.

Ps: 44GW seems not late game, seems a very far from rocket launch :)

Re: Modal of available energy production in vanilla games

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 9:38 am
by azesmbog
yes, missiles probably 200 thousand or more launched :)
Very very late game :)

Re: Modal of available energy production in vanilla games

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 3:47 pm
by Xeorm
It was somewhere between 40-80 MW for me, depending on your definition of mid game. Problem with power generation was that it goes up hard after a bit. You go from most of your power coming from miners, to then expanding your number of miners quickly plus adding bot towers and ever more laser turrets. Then module and beacon spam makes it skyrocket.

Re: Modal of available energy production in vanilla games

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 6:36 am
by ssilk
Depends extremely on
- how fast you are going
- electric smelters?
- lasers?
- how many radars
- robotports (well, not longer midgame, but you can rush to roboports)

Re: Modal of available energy production in vanilla games

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 6:43 am
by eradicator
Just for the record: Nuclear Power is blue science. If that doesn't fit your definition of "mid-game" then you need to be more precise. But, ultimately i don't think it matters. Factories do not have "free power". Power is build when it is needed, so you should scale your requirements to whatever you think is fair to ask of the player to build. And from there it's pure math, just calculate the infrastructure cost of whatever power source you want to base your calculations off (solar, steam, etc) and scale it to a material cost you think is ok (i.e. "1 million iron" etc).

I.e. assume one block of steam consists of:
2 steam engines
1 boiler
0.05 pump
1.5 pipe
0.5 power pole
1.5 belt
1 inserter
0.5 power pole
== about 32 "resource" (mostly iron)

One block produces 0.9MW, so for 10000 "resource" you get about 300MW production capacity. Ofc that doesn't include fuel, which is much more important for balance. So just do the same calculations for coal/solid fuel again.

Re: Modal of available energy production in vanilla games

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 10:08 pm
by foamy
I usually find myself running a couple hundred megawatts of burner steam in the purple/yellow/1st rocket stages of play. Sometimes more.