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Pet Peeves or Annoyances

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 5:27 am
by Asero
Neat game, but it has some "quirks" that gets my blood pressure elevated :D

* Slipping on an express belt while trying to build something
* Chopping trees. Chopping down entire forests (no shotgun). Getting stuck. Pile and piles of wood.
* Damage display on trees. I go mental when I see it :mrgreen:
* Running around fixing / rebuilding stuff before construction bots can finally be built
* Trying to fit in everything between those crappy small electric poles at the start (and having to get rid of them later :evil: )
* Getting trampled by one of your own trains...

What's yours?

Re: Pet Peeves or Annoyances

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 8:32 am
by GewaltSam
I have to add one especially: Finishing this very big build you worked on for the last full hour just to realize that it would be better positioned two tiles to the right, and if you don't rebuild it, you will have to live with this suboptimal solution forever... :cry:

Re: Pet Peeves or Annoyances

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 5:12 pm
by Xterminator
I don't want to complain about the game, because I love it, and honestly I have nearly no problems with it or how anything works. However, one thing that annoys me is the trees health bars as OP mentioned. When clearing with a shotgun or poison capsules, the random trees with partial health bars drive me nuts. Lol
This isn't actually something that's wrong with the game, it makes sense, but just wreaks havoc with my OCD :D

Re: Pet Peeves or Annoyances

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 6:16 pm
The health bars is so annoying, I always tell people that tree's should regenerate health. Until one day, i forget who, But they said die and turn into a dead tree.

I like the idea that damages tree's will end up dieing, and turning into a dead tree, giving you less wood.

Re: Pet Peeves or Annoyances

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 2:40 am
by ColonelWill
It was me that said you about the trees turning to a dead tree if damaged while we was building a railway line, I forget which one tho lol

Re: Pet Peeves or Annoyances

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 2:40 am
by -root
oh boy! Back the truck up. :mrgreen:

*rolls up sleeves*

- People who run transport belt one farther than they need to for inserters
- Corners
- Unsymmetrical builds
- Not using underground pipes
- Turrets directly next to walls
- copper cables on belts
- corners
- overlapping power poles
- unbalanced belts
- corners
- creating builds that always need just one more tile for an underground belt to make it all work
- trains

Re: Pet Peeves or Annoyances

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 4:24 am
by LordFedora
oh my, now that's a list uhhh....

[*]gun turrets, all of them, yes even that one
[*]when people touch my signal system...
[*]modders that don't follow the file tree exampled by the base game (pls (T_T))
[*]people who "forget" to set the smart inserter correctly, so we get ~25k explosives...

P.S. root, you "shouldn't" see Dr.Doom's LP... so many corners... so, so many splitters...

Re: Pet Peeves or Annoyances

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 6:50 am
by cpy
Asymmetrical builds really drives me nuts too, also transport belts running 1 more tile than needed. Gun turrets on or close to wall, damn it people turrets get eaten even if they are close to wall!

Re: Pet Peeves or Annoyances

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 8:18 pm
by SHiRKiT
GewaltSam wrote:I have to add one especially: Finishing this very big build you worked on for the last full hour just to realize that it would be better positioned two tiles to the right, and if you don't rebuild it, you will have to live with this suboptimal solution forever... :cry:
Robots baby, gotta love'em!