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How do YOU fight biter nests?

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 1:45 am
by Tinyboss
I'm late-game now with almost every tech researched. My current method is:
  1. Build a power pole chain as close as I can to the nest,
  2. Place a blueprint for a "death star", which is just a substation surrounded by three layers of laser turrets and two layers of walls,
  3. Plop down a roboport and a chest nearby with walls, turrets, repair packs, and a few substations,
  4. Put bots into the roboport, they build the death star,
  5. Run as close as I can without aggro, toss a distractor, then throw poison on the worms, kite the herd back to the death star (repeat until no or few worms left),
  6. Shotgun down the spawners, kiting the herd back to the death star when necessary.
If the nest is very large then I have to alternate the last two steps. My power armor has night vision, five Mk2 shields, five exoskeletons, and two fusion generators.

Is that about how everyone else does it?

Re: How do YOU fight biter nests?

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 1:55 am
by TehRaven
I use the tank and destroy as many big worms from afar. When they aggro I move in and destroy the spawners and retreat while destroying any aliens that are chasing me. Takes less resources and less time. That's just how I do it though.

Re: How do YOU fight biter nests?

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:17 am
by FishSandwich
1. Power Armour 2 with shields, legs, and reactor.
2. Place lots of destroyer bots, lots of them.
3. Run through biter nests without lifting a finger and taking minimal damage while destroyer bots do all the work.


Re: How do YOU fight biter nests?

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:12 am
by DaveMcW
1. Research armor 2 and craft heavy armor.
2. Reseach military 2 and craft a pile of shotgun shells and grenades.
3. Walk up to the biter nests and start shooting.
4. Toss a grenade on myself when the small biters surround me.

5. Rush to laser turrets to defend against the newly evolved big biters.

Re: How do YOU fight biter nests?

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 5:41 am
by keyboardhack
FishSandwich wrote:1. Power Armour 2 with shields, legs, and reactor.
2. Place lots of destroyer bots, lots of them.
3. Run through biter nests without lifting a finger and taking minimal damage while destroyer bots do all the work.

This with 6 exoskeletons for speed. This is by far the easiest way to do it.

Re: How do YOU fight biter nests?

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:20 am
by Nova
Power armor MK 2 with 2 fusion reactors, 2 exo skeletons, a few (2?) MK 2 batteries and as much MK 2 Shields as possible. Now we use the combat shotgun with piercing bullets (was that the right name?) and kill as many of the damn aliens as possible. Who needs tanks? Who needs destroyer robots? I don't. (Really, I don't like the robots.)

But I will try the "tank + power armor full with energy and personal laser defense" methode. Could be interesting.

Edit: Okay, that idea is stupid. The laser defense makes nearly no damage.

Re: How do YOU fight biter nests?

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:28 am
by libik
In early game, I rush for laser turrets and use them offensively (the small electric pole is cheap),
later on I use shields and destroy capsules (and combat shotgun)

Re: How do YOU fight biter nests?

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:48 pm
by User_Name
Early mid game - tank.
Late game - armor plus destroyers, and it feels like I'm cheating.

Re: How do YOU fight biter nests?

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 6:32 pm
by imajor
FishSandwich wrote:1. Power Armour 2 with shields, legs, and reactor.
2. Place lots of destroyer bots, lots of them.
3. Run through biter nests without lifting a finger and taking minimal damage while destroyer bots do all the work.

No need for any special armor, or to research follower bot count. Just run into the base, while throw distractor capsules everywhere.

Re: How do YOU fight biter nests?

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 6:38 pm
by ccik
Power Armor with Reactors, Exo-Skeletons and Shields, Combat Shotgun with piercing rounds, and lot of distractor capsules.

1. Get close to biter nest without Aggroing them.
2. Drop distractor capsules towards the nest. Biters start chasing the distractors.
3. Circle around the distractors, dropping more of them, while the biters are busy
4. Flank the spawners, kill everything with shotgun, supported by distractors.

My method needs a lot of distractor-capsules, but that gives me another reason to build a massive factory.

Re: How do YOU fight biter nests?

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:42 pm
by imajor
I just recorded a video:

Note that I'm not wearing any armor, follower robot count is not researched, evolution factor is more than 0.95. I'm only using a lot of distractor capsules, which are way cheaper than the destroyers.

Re: How do YOU fight biter nests?

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:27 am
by Nova
What the...? That video is a wonderful example why distractor capsules are bad. You did use 55 capsules. That's:
  • 660 iron gears
  • 440 electric circuits
  • 1100 copper plates
  • 220 steel
  • 165 advanced circuits
All that for 7 spawners without any worms or spitters. A very terrible result. Yeah, the distractor capsules are better than that, but you can't see that in the video.

Re: How do YOU fight biter nests?

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 9:41 am
by Rahjital
Power Armour MK1 with 3 Shields MK2, an exoskeleton and a fusion reactor and a combat shotgun with piercing shells have been enough to tackle any nest for me so far. Hell, if the nest isn't too big or you don't mind taking multiple tries, MK1 shields are enough. Just keep moving and take an SMG or a poison capsule if there's too many spitters or worms.

Re: How do YOU fight biter nests?

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 10:05 am
by Zourin
Distractors are awesome. They may be bullet-based, but aren't limited by follower count and can simply be tossed into a base to deal with worms and bases while you deal with the biters. Leagues better than grenades, and there isn't a nest that more distractors won't solve. Well, not many. At first.

Re: How do YOU fight biter nests?

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 5:29 pm
by Xterminator
Power Armor MK2, with shields, reactor, and exoskeleton. Then run head first into the bases throwing destroyer and distract or capsules every where. And blowing everything to bits with my combat shotgun and piercing rounds. :D

Re: How do YOU fight biter nests?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:04 pm
by catsquidcat
I just in early game i reseach distractors and then build 40 of them, drive through nest with car toss them everywhere, come back in 1 minute, nest dead.

Re: How do YOU fight biter nests?

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 7:07 am
by Sisaroth
In my first game with aliens on very low settings and without spitters i thought distractor was really strong.
Now i'm playing with big alien bases and with spitters and they don't do much. Evolution is maxed out i think (big spitters and big biters everywhere)
The most resource effective way i have found is to use automatic shotgun with piercing rounds, and PA MK2 with lots of shields and legs. Rush to a base, kill a few nests with the shotgun and then retreat to some laser turrets. Wait until the laser turrets kill everyone and then repeat. It's slow but a lot cheaper than spamming distractors.

Now in my current game i'm researching destroyers, i stopped research to get my power armor faster, which i needed to clear all the bases around copper fields.

Re: How do YOU fight biter nests?

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:51 pm
by pib
I don't build the destroyer capsules... I like to use the distractor ones (which are good enough) + an upgraded shotgun. I try and use the capsules to attack the aliens and as, best as possible, go for the nest and worms first, but to keep from getting overwhelmed sometimes you need to clear the enemies out one or more times as you destroy the nests.

Re: How do YOU fight biter nests?

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:55 pm
by silenced
Early game:

Standard nests: piercing ammo + grenades

Standard nests with Worms: Rocket launcher for the worms, piercing ammo + grenades for the rest.

Mid/Late game: Power lines + Laser turret abuse. Shotgun with piercing rounds + Power Armor with lots of walker modules. Speed safes lifes!

Re: How do YOU fight biter nests?

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 5:02 pm
by Marconos
Early game pre up to medium biters / spitters (maybe a little past) -- submachine gun + piercing rounds

Mid Game -- Modular armor, 1 shield, some solar panels / shields -- Poison / slowdown capsules, distractor + submachine gun + piercing rounds

Generally I skip Mid game and go right to power armor MK1 and just annihilate everything with shotgun + destroyer bots. You only need about 100 alien artifacts to get things going after that bugs are on easy mode.