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"Stable" release

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 8:24 pm
by silman
So i have been playing on 0.9.8 since i started about a month ago but have been avidly following news and updates. I see their posts about the new 0.10.x releases and how they state they are "stable" but when i go to the download page they are always under "experimental" which makes me not want to download them. So are they stable or not? And how do i install a new release while preserving my old saves? Do i have to uninstall the old version and then install the new one and copy my saves folder over? or will the new one install on top of the old one?

When will the automatic updater be up and running? And how exactly do i know which releases i should install even if they are under the "experimental" tab in download?

Re: "Stable" release

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 8:30 pm
by FishSandwich
Devs here are awesome, their experimental releases are usually pretty stable, I've been running 0.10 since it came out and apart from 2 botched updates, I've not had any crashes or serious problems, and even then they quickly got a hotfix out for it.

If you use the installer it'll uninstall your older version but will preserve your save, settings etc. If you use the automatic updater that'll do the same. The automatic installer works, if you go into options -> other, and enable experimental updates you'll get it. If not, just use the installer from the website.

Re: "Stable" release

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 8:32 pm
by kovarex
silman wrote:I see their posts about the new 0.10.x releases and how they state they are "stable" but when i go to the download page they are always under "experimental"
They are stable candidate, which means we always hope they get stable, but people always help us find another bugs. the 0.10.11 is planned on monday, and if no serious bugs are found within few days it might be marked as stable.

Re: "Stable" release

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 3:34 am
by silman
Thanks for the information!

and i agree, the devs are awesome!

Re: "Stable" release

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 6:21 pm
by SHiRKiT
I've played games where "Experimental" releases were actually buggy, but the last 10.x branch was pretty stable since they focused on bugfixes.