Belts vs Bots - A response to FFF #224
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 4:56 am
My name is Tyson and I am the creator of the board game Act of Treason (
After reading this weeks FFF I decided I would comment on it as I am an avid lover of game design and discussions surrounding it.
Mods, if this post is in the wrong place, please feel free to move it.
Twinsen discussed the idea of potentially removing bots from the game, which is an interesting consideration. The goal is to make the best game possible, and the hypothesis is that robots are overpowered and take away from some of the fun and complexity of the game that using belts encourages.
While I agree with much of what Twinsen said - I too personally enjoy belts over bots for much the same reasons as Twinsen listed - With that said, I think that including bots in Factorio does not dampen or remove any fun from the game due to the type of game Factorio is. Quite the reverse, I think bots add to the game and I would like to lay down the case for bots being included based on their own merits. I think bots ultimately improve Factorio. I understand that the decision of the FFF was to keep bots within the game. However, I think it's important that we have the discussion and that the case for bots stands on their own merits.
First, let us break down what type of game Factorio is and what makes it fun to better inform our discussion. For background reading may I suggest my article on what makes games fun if you want to learn more about the different aspects of games and why we enjoy them. You can read that supporting article here ( ... makes.html).
Factorio is not a competitive game, but a creative and problem solving one which also greatly benefits from a sense of discovery and progression. As such, balance considerations do play a small part in Factorio, but are far less significant than in other games, such as counter-strike where players are highly incentivized to choose the dominant strategy if they want to win. In Factorio there is a dominant strategy, but there is very little incentive to choose it. It is a question of creativity instead of competition. In fact, as long as nothing is absurdly broken or useless, balance should not negatively impact player enjoyment in Factorio.
We see that there is a healthy debate over belts versus bots in the community. With myself, Twinsen and some others all saying belts > bots. But how can this exist when bots are apparently overpowered in comparison to belts?
Since Factorio is predominately a creative & problem solving game, it comes down to player preference. Players can build their factories however they like including self limiting the number of trains they use, robots they use, circuits they use, etc. This can make the game more difficult for some players, but they choose to self opt into this increased difficulty on purpose. Is it for their own enjoyment? How can this be? Well Twinsen actually answers this question himself quite succinctly in his own post: “I also believe that building belts is way more fun due to it's inherent complexities, challenges, and emergent situations” Players use belts instead of bots because it's more fun! Because Factorio is not competitive, players are incentivised to play the game in a way they they find most fun, not which will most likely grant them a win. Winning is only a small part of the fun in Factorio. This means playing anyway under the sun is completely valid. There are clearly people who prefer bots over belts for their various reasons. We all have our subjective idea of what is fun. Factorio being a sandbox game should be open to letting players play however they feel is most fun.
Besides... Belts are already > bots in many ways. Let's examine some ways to play Factorio so that we can see what I’m talking about in practice:
Speedrun: I’ve never seen a fast speedrun of Factorio that includes bots and I don’t think I ever will. Bots are not a dominant strategy when trying to launch a rocket as quickly as possible as the cost to acquire bots does not pay itself off.
Deathworld: By the time a player can research bots, the deathworld is likely already to a point where you can survive easily. Even if that weren’t the case, the opportunity cost of researching bots isn’t likely worth it. One can simply continue to use belts which are cheaper to produce and ultimately perform the same function. The time and resources spent on getting bots are better spent on something which would have more benefit.
Megabase: Same as Standard and Marathon except there is even less emphasis on “winning” and more emphasis on creativity and problem solving. As such there is even more emphasis on player preference. If you want to build a base only using trains, that’s entirely valid and your call even though it’s not optimum.
We can see that when the game actually gets “competitive” or “difficult” where speed, efficiency and effectiveness plays an integral role, belts are the better choice instead of bots it seems.
In addition, bots allow players to find unique solutions to problems that would be otherwise impossible using just belts. These solutions may have their own intricate complexities that make them fun to try and figure out. Thinking about Twinsens quote from before “I also believe that building belts is way more fun due to it's inherent complexities, challenges, and emergent situations (the most common example being belt balancing).” If I use a bot system to solve a problem that I am working on, and that system is sufficiently complex in its own right, I’m actually tapping into the exact same fun fundamentally as I would be if I were using belts. The difference is that belts may not have the ability to perform the task that I am trying to use bots for.
The anti bot argument seems to stem from the fact that there exists some factorio players out in the world that use bots because they are more powerful and yet these players find them less fun to use. I would be interested to hear from any players who this actually describes. I doubt many players like this exist, and even if they do, I am tempted to say they are working against their own interests for a reason that I don't yet understand. Yes bots are are an “easier” way to play, but they are not optimum or else they would dominate in speedrun and deathworld games. (Edit: I elaborate on this in my reply below as I don't cover late game optimal setups that aim for science per second. Yes, bots are optimal for late game, but I do not think their removal from the game would improve how fun optimal late stage gameplay would be.)
In conclusion, I don't think bots dampen any of the Fun of factorio, and instead allow for even more of what makes the game so fun - discovery, progression, creativity & problem solving.
Thanks for reading and I'm very eager to hear your responses.
My name is Tyson and I am the creator of the board game Act of Treason (
After reading this weeks FFF I decided I would comment on it as I am an avid lover of game design and discussions surrounding it.
Mods, if this post is in the wrong place, please feel free to move it.
Twinsen discussed the idea of potentially removing bots from the game, which is an interesting consideration. The goal is to make the best game possible, and the hypothesis is that robots are overpowered and take away from some of the fun and complexity of the game that using belts encourages.
While I agree with much of what Twinsen said - I too personally enjoy belts over bots for much the same reasons as Twinsen listed - With that said, I think that including bots in Factorio does not dampen or remove any fun from the game due to the type of game Factorio is. Quite the reverse, I think bots add to the game and I would like to lay down the case for bots being included based on their own merits. I think bots ultimately improve Factorio. I understand that the decision of the FFF was to keep bots within the game. However, I think it's important that we have the discussion and that the case for bots stands on their own merits.
First, let us break down what type of game Factorio is and what makes it fun to better inform our discussion. For background reading may I suggest my article on what makes games fun if you want to learn more about the different aspects of games and why we enjoy them. You can read that supporting article here ( ... makes.html).
Factorio is not a competitive game, but a creative and problem solving one which also greatly benefits from a sense of discovery and progression. As such, balance considerations do play a small part in Factorio, but are far less significant than in other games, such as counter-strike where players are highly incentivized to choose the dominant strategy if they want to win. In Factorio there is a dominant strategy, but there is very little incentive to choose it. It is a question of creativity instead of competition. In fact, as long as nothing is absurdly broken or useless, balance should not negatively impact player enjoyment in Factorio.
We see that there is a healthy debate over belts versus bots in the community. With myself, Twinsen and some others all saying belts > bots. But how can this exist when bots are apparently overpowered in comparison to belts?
Since Factorio is predominately a creative & problem solving game, it comes down to player preference. Players can build their factories however they like including self limiting the number of trains they use, robots they use, circuits they use, etc. This can make the game more difficult for some players, but they choose to self opt into this increased difficulty on purpose. Is it for their own enjoyment? How can this be? Well Twinsen actually answers this question himself quite succinctly in his own post: “I also believe that building belts is way more fun due to it's inherent complexities, challenges, and emergent situations” Players use belts instead of bots because it's more fun! Because Factorio is not competitive, players are incentivised to play the game in a way they they find most fun, not which will most likely grant them a win. Winning is only a small part of the fun in Factorio. This means playing anyway under the sun is completely valid. There are clearly people who prefer bots over belts for their various reasons. We all have our subjective idea of what is fun. Factorio being a sandbox game should be open to letting players play however they feel is most fun.
Besides... Belts are already > bots in many ways. Let's examine some ways to play Factorio so that we can see what I’m talking about in practice:
Speedrun: I’ve never seen a fast speedrun of Factorio that includes bots and I don’t think I ever will. Bots are not a dominant strategy when trying to launch a rocket as quickly as possible as the cost to acquire bots does not pay itself off.
Deathworld: By the time a player can research bots, the deathworld is likely already to a point where you can survive easily. Even if that weren’t the case, the opportunity cost of researching bots isn’t likely worth it. One can simply continue to use belts which are cheaper to produce and ultimately perform the same function. The time and resources spent on getting bots are better spent on something which would have more benefit.
Megabase: Same as Standard and Marathon except there is even less emphasis on “winning” and more emphasis on creativity and problem solving. As such there is even more emphasis on player preference. If you want to build a base only using trains, that’s entirely valid and your call even though it’s not optimum.
We can see that when the game actually gets “competitive” or “difficult” where speed, efficiency and effectiveness plays an integral role, belts are the better choice instead of bots it seems.
In addition, bots allow players to find unique solutions to problems that would be otherwise impossible using just belts. These solutions may have their own intricate complexities that make them fun to try and figure out. Thinking about Twinsens quote from before “I also believe that building belts is way more fun due to it's inherent complexities, challenges, and emergent situations (the most common example being belt balancing).” If I use a bot system to solve a problem that I am working on, and that system is sufficiently complex in its own right, I’m actually tapping into the exact same fun fundamentally as I would be if I were using belts. The difference is that belts may not have the ability to perform the task that I am trying to use bots for.
The anti bot argument seems to stem from the fact that there exists some factorio players out in the world that use bots because they are more powerful and yet these players find them less fun to use. I would be interested to hear from any players who this actually describes. I doubt many players like this exist, and even if they do, I am tempted to say they are working against their own interests for a reason that I don't yet understand. Yes bots are are an “easier” way to play, but they are not optimum or else they would dominate in speedrun and deathworld games. (Edit: I elaborate on this in my reply below as I don't cover late game optimal setups that aim for science per second. Yes, bots are optimal for late game, but I do not think their removal from the game would improve how fun optimal late stage gameplay would be.)
In conclusion, I don't think bots dampen any of the Fun of factorio, and instead allow for even more of what makes the game so fun - discovery, progression, creativity & problem solving.
Thanks for reading and I'm very eager to hear your responses.