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Reading the factorio schematics

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 12:56 am
by infinitysamurai
Hi guys,

Looking around the forum, there are lots of schematic style sketchs (created in autocad?)
e.g: ... f=8&t=4965 ... f=8&t=4568

I don't understand how anyone reads these! Do you download them and zoom in heaps? or is there some other method that I'm missing?
I really want to be able to use them, because some of them look really really nice, but I can't see what converyor belts take what, which assemblers are making what etc.

Re: Reading the factorio schematics

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 12:59 am
by DaveMcW
Nah, most of us can't read them but we're too polite to complain in the thread. :)

Re: Reading the factorio schematics

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 2:08 am
by DerivePi
Yeah, I know. I'll get the plot settings figured out one of these days. The best one so far is the main base schematic but you really do have to zoom in to about 150% to read the tiny labels on each assembler, furnace or chem lab. Love to see other people come up with their designs so I put the ACAD blocks in dropbox.

My next schematic will be for a sorting station to allow any product to be delivered to the station without regard to position.

Heres the dropbox site - ... 8X9-3F41Ra

DaveMcW - Thank you for your gracious condescension :D

Re: Reading the factorio schematics

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:34 pm
by Factorian
I read them and build from it! yeah i zoom in by a huge factor though, thankfully because most of the factories are modular in design you can built it bit by bit and have that bit zoomed in whilst you work on it. Thats how i did it anyway, after getting halfway through you start to memorise the symbols and tracks and can guess which line is which fairly accurately