SHiRKiT wrote:Factorio is pretty darn well efficient in my opnion for an indie game.
I would agree. The devs on the team are very smart. It's also the added benefit of not using an existing engine. Well Allegro, what they use, is really more of game programming library. Kind of like SDL but with a bit more game programming features. Not only that but it's written in C by people who actually know how to use C properly. So very lightweight. Unity for example is a fully fledged game engine which is usually written with C#. Or you can use UnityScript to write in python or javascript. Ultimately it comes down to being able to quickly prototype and develop games. I think just now with unity 4 or 4.5 they finally support 64bit and don't believe it supports multithreading either still. This has it's upsides a new game programmer can get his feet wet and indie developers can quickly make games. This has it's downsides though. A lot of bloat. Not to mention it took them a long time to support 64bit and it's still not stable. Even the editor and some of the tools are 32bit. Which may have changed with v4.5. Yea the devs of Factorio really work hard to optimize even the small things. You don't see that much any more.
The biggest downside with unity is if theirs a bug which their are many especially in big programs like that. As a game developer their's not much you can do about it except hope and wait for them to fix it.
If you take a look at a game called Kerbal Space Program. The game definitely suffers a lot from the limitations of the unity engine. In fact the terrain generator part of the engine was so bad that they had to write their own. Rust had to do the same which is probably why you see all the rage in that community. Because they simply had to drop the development and start from scratch. Is that the developer's fault? Well I truly believe the developer just wanted to see if their was any interest in his project. Unfortunately the model they choose was poor at best. The whole releasing it on steam early access at $20. Meh you don't sell a prototype. You do a kickstarter, indiegogo, or whatever and provide a working prototype. If you have a prototype but realize that it would only be a detriment then that's fine. Not all genres of games work well with alphas much less prototypes. I think Star Citizen did an amazing job with how they approached it. Didn't have any decent prototype for the public to enjoy. But provided trailers, their ideas of the project, what they want to achieve with the fundraising. For the people who funded the project on kickstarter they were of course offering the full game, providing alphas, and more. It was $30 for that. Maybe a tad pricey? However in that case you're not giving $30 to buy a game but $30 to fund a project that may or may not ever see the light of day.
The alpha is still a ways off but they still released prototypes in the meantime. When it was ready. It was all brilliantly executed and which is probably why it's the biggest crowd-funded game ever.
Releasing a prototype on steam for $20 and saying this is the game we are making that's in a "alpha" state. Steam early access was just a bad route for them to take. People don't go on steam to purchase prototypes they go their to buy entertainment. A prototype is obviously not going to be enjoyable. So buyer confusion at best. Not to mention the other 100s of early access games and there's a few who of them doing it for a quick money grab. Learn a little bit about programming. Fire up unity or some other engine and within a couple months throw it on early access with either no intentions of actually finishing the project. Or the person behind the project probably has never actually made a game. Has no clue about the process of game development. They may have good intentions "Like oh I can create a game people will enjoy. I just need a little help financially".
Don't get me wrong I love the idea of "artists" able to easily get their work out there. Not just in the games industry but all arts of creation to music, books, etc. There's not an easy solution but simply to educate buyers. Any other solution would just hurt the legitimate creators / artists alike. The only thing I can think of is if you decide to sell a game your responsible if that game never meets the light of day. Another words if Valve for example stepped in and the developer was required to refund the money. I think at least with the developer actually being responsible for the money it would make them at least think twice about selling a "game". And it would fend off people out to make a quick cash grab. Do a kickstarter. Be transparent and honest. Hell just doing that I don't care if you've never made a game I may just help fund you. You share your ideas on the project. What you want to achieve. Why you want to achieve it. Share the progress you've made so far. Why do you need the funding? Are you really in need of funding; as in funding is the only way you could finish this project?. Maybe you were working in the industry and got laid off and McDonald's is obviously just not cutting even basic living expenses.
Our society is so hung up on the idea of if it's really loud, over confident, and looks good. Then it must be good! Anything less will simply be overlooked. I hate that mentality. It turns people into having a mindset of "fake it until you make it". Never mind the deception and harm it can cause to the ones around you. You're deceiving your self.
Honesty, humble, intelligent, decent character, and comfortable with who are; you don't feel the need to pretend to be something else. Those are the characteristics that I prize in a human being. While most will claim that's what they value. Most that make that claim don't even hold it as truth. More disturbingly as I've found some people look down upon those qualities. I've never understood that. Maybe they somehow perceive it as a threat. If I find those qualities in someone and it doesn't have to be all or nothing. I will be intrigued to say the least. I would be delighted to have the opportunity to meet someone like that. Even more so the opportunity to learn from them.
But yea I somehow turned this into a really long post and also managed to get way off-topic at the same time. I'm debating just deleting it considering it's not appropriate. But after spending that time making a wall of text... lol.. Makes me hesitant to just delete it.