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The Inevitable Alien Artifact Poll

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 4:30 pm
by Matthias_Wlkp
I'm surprised it was not created so far. Is it really that big of a deal that the AAs are gone?

Re: The Inevitable Alien Artifact Poll

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 4:42 pm
by Nemoricus
I'm glad that artifacts and their associated grind are gone from the game. Destroying biter nests is boring and tedious even when you're only dealing with them when you're expanding.

Re: The Inevitable Alien Artifact Poll

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 9:01 pm
by mazedragon
As much as I enjoyed collecting the artifacts, I can see why many found it tedious. One good thing is that since the game is so moddable, it shouldn't be hard to just include a mod that re-enables those artifacts, so everyone can tweak the game to their preferences.

Re: The Inevitable Alien Artifact Poll

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 9:35 pm
by Selvek
They always seemed pointless. By the time I was doing much research that needed purple, I was killing enough biter bases for space-clearing that there was never a shortage. It just adds a boring run-around and collect artifacts step to the already tedious base-clearing task.

But, I definitely see the value in mods!

Re: The Inevitable Alien Artifact Poll

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 2:21 am
by iceman_1212
It's not so much about the alien artifacts themselves as it is about making the aliens an optional aspect of the game. Removing alien artifacts is a great move imo as folks who want to focus on factory building (and not fighting) can now play this way in vanilla. In 0.14 or before, it was ofc impossible to launch a rocket in vanilla with biters turned off.

Re: The Inevitable Alien Artifact Poll

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 5:02 am
by saturn7
I'm glad they removed them. For the only reason that destroying alien bases is so much easier since you don't have to pick up all the artifacts (or live with fields littered with them). They remove some incentive early game to kill bases, though.

Re: The Inevitable Alien Artifact Poll

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 5:46 am
by Pothrekr
I don't really care one way or the other on the removal of the alien artifacts. What I would love to see is that they have more of an impact on my game.

Currently the story of being stranded and your factory building upsetting the natives is flavorful, but doesn't really impact the way I should play the game other than building bunkers.98% of the brain power of the game is building and laying out your factory, 2% to developing laser turrets and placing bunkers. Personally I would prefer multiple end game defense systems with their own strengths and weakness's which lead to a requirement for a well designed defensive structure.

Re: The Inevitable Alien Artifact Poll

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 10:57 pm
by OldFritz
Hm, tough call. Been playing for just 4 months, so this was a rather quick turn in terms of gameplay. -Not that giantic though.
Something you definitely can agree to is, that for people who want to focus soley on their factory, it was kinda tedious to farm alien science packs. -Therefore were quite some mods which provided alternatives (alien ore, craftable artifacts, alien goo, dark matter, trade)
Personally i think, the aliens deserve an more interesting point in "just" occupying the land and harass you.
For a quick draw, i could think of -optional of course- that spawners slowly decay nearby ore fields. Or, if you like to hunt aliens, maybe they could somehow be integrated in your ressource pool. Yuoki has some sort of that stuff, if i'm correct. -Couldn't yet tech up that far, yeah... im a noob :D

In generall it is indeed better to take most of the alien activity and reliance out of the normal gameplay. You still must conquer territory from them. But some advanced gameplay mechanics which involves harvesting them and not only fighting would be real neat. Completely optional of course.

Re: The Inevitable Alien Artifact Poll

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 11:22 pm
by sparr
I agree with making artifacts not required for science progression. I am sad to see them entirely eliminated, though.

I really like what bob's mods did, with small artifacts directly from biters, and then ways to turn different colors of artifacts into different types of ammunition.

Re: The Inevitable Alien Artifact Poll

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:18 am
by Ingolifs
So I would have kept the alien artifacts, but for alien science packs only. Alien science packs would be used in research based on dealing bonus damage to certain alien types or weakening their resistances or damage, etc.

Re: The Inevitable Alien Artifact Poll

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 3:09 am
by xeln4g4
Seems like developer made their research before taking AA away ... 77% agree with their decision. Didn't expect that much against AA! Anyway, the best thing of this game is that you can have it as you like it (yeah the modding way!). So ... RIP AA.

Re: The Inevitable Alien Artifact Poll

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 3:10 am
by xeln4g4
sparr wrote:I agree with making artifacts not required for science progression. I am sad to see them entirely eliminated, though.

I really like what bob's mods did, with small artifacts directly from biters, and then ways to turn different colors of artifacts into different types of ammunition.
agree, hope Bob doesn't change it now!