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Forum Kinda Bug

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 11:59 pm
by domtronvox
Hi I bought the game a few days ago. Being a fan of automation this is a dream game come true. :P

Anyway I wasn't sure if this should go in bugs since that seemed to only have game related bugs not site related. I signed up on the forums to make a post in the modding section. When I got the activation Email it said "Welcome to Forums forums" Instead of what I assume should be "Welcome to the Factorio forums". I suppose it's not a big thing, but it is easy to miss to anyone but new members. Just trying to help out. :)

Re: Forum Kinda Bug

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 12:48 am
by Darthlawsuit
Wow, I never read those things. Nice catch.