So it is time that we update the screenshots on our web page. I went through some saves I have in my folder and selected a few of them already. But still a more variety to choose from would be nice.
So if you have a save that you think would make a nice screenshot then please consider posting a link to the save here. It doesn't have to be "the biggest factory" or "the most complicated design". We try to go for some variety in the screenshots (overall factory views, some railsystem screenshots, compact setups, details of a portion of factory, etc.). You can also position the view and zoom in your save the way you think would be most appropriate.
Re: Call for saves for screenshots
Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 7:01 pm
by Zourin
Older screenshot
It's not the 'most recent' version, but still one of my classic screenshots I sometimes show interested friends. Sadly, my friends see that and freak out. It takes a special someone to love inserters.
Now I have to go home and see if I can dig up the save file.
Re: Call for saves for screenshots
Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 8:33 pm
by jeroon
I've put some screenshots into a .zip , and the last savegame of my 100 hour factory as well.. hope you can use some of it
Ok, some pictures from my two sandbox games. (Both 0.9.8, no mods)
The first one was also my first one, I focused mainly on 'organic growth'. No restructuring if it was possible at all to keep old infrastructure around.
You can see the area I started building my factory. The original science lab, the original coal patch is almost mined out by now. The starting factory chain for Red & Green science packs. And of course the lifeline of the factory, the mixed ore / copper belt which I kept around. I worried it wasn't effecient enough, but with enough upgrades it worked admirably throughout the game.
A little bigger view of the 'top half' of my factory. The most left boiler chain was the original one.
A view of the 'bottom half' of the production area. The chemical plant area was a right mess due to a very cramped area. But all the more satisfying to get it to work
Getting the 'advanced manufacturing' area to work on the right faced similar challenges, but mostly a problem of scraping more performance from the older circuit & wire producing areas.
Overview of the entire factory production area
Start of setting up a train yard. In all honesty, in this save I hadn't fully figured out how to do trains. It is functional at this point, but most mining areas were serviced by long belts instead of trains.
And finally the overview map showing the extent of the rail network and the solar areas. Most of the rail network you see is mainly used for personal transport.
And secondly my second attempt at sandbox mode. Technically 'won' the game 48 hours in.
I played with special house rules:
No handcrafting: Only things that absolutely couldn't be assembled in a factory were allowed to craft in hand. (initial steam boiler, steam engine, enough science pack 1s to rush to assembly factories and things like the chemical plant which require 5 ingredients.
No mining by hand, only trees are allowed to be cut
All resources outside of the starter area would need to be hauled in by train only.
Initial starting area, this time with a very different philosophy than the first factory. Instead of 'wasting time' on full automation it was very geared around efficient 'box to box' production. Always keeping some assembly labs around which could quickly be retooled for the lower production run items.
In this game I did relocate the initial boiler part to the left. Also the furnaces were eventually moved to a 'clean' line. Keeping the old factory intact wasn't as much of a big deal as in the last factory as I was constantly moving stuff around anyway. Playing with my house rules did prove for a very interesting different game
Better view of the Chemical area. You can clearly see the lessons learned from the cramped approach in the first factory. One issue: The Oil Refinery requires 5 ingredients, for the longest time I ran with only one until I couldn't bear it any longer producing the rocket defense requiring an insane amount of oil products.
solar farm, not much to see here. Solar farms always seem to end up the same, lots of panels in the large stretches and filled up with accumulators around the edges.
The initial train yard which served me very well. The start had very little iron ore, just 2 fairly poor patches bearing a 2-3 miners each at most. I had to rush to trains, almost ran dry of iron setting it up, but got the mother lode hooked up just in time.
I started with the bottom line, then added the ones up from it one by one. Note that one is only a through track.
Showing the expanded train yard to the left. Obviously the initial train yard had an issue with the turn at the end (I wanted only one-directional rails everywhere to simplify signalling). I was still setting up this yard when the game ended. This one has even less room due to awkward turn radius, I guess I didn't learn this time
And the map
Mining areas to the southeast, the line to the west was never fully hooked up it was only there to get to the biters quicker.
Edit: It's not! It's just REALLY hard to spot my oil industry in this save ^.^
Re: Call for saves for screenshots
Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 6:48 am
by Drury
I've already posted my save for bug reporting, it has evolved a bit since. The belts are even crazier now, that might be cool to show off.
Will post later today if that works for you.
Re: Call for saves for screenshots
Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 7:24 am
by slpwnd
The new screenshots have been uploaded to the website yesterday ( I have used quite a lot of saves from the community including the saves posted in this thread. Thanks to all of you!
Re: Call for saves for screenshots
Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 9:22 am
by Drury
So my older save made it in after all!
Those are neat. All of them.
Re: Call for saves for screenshots
Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 2:39 pm
by BurnHard
Two screenshots and one design from my older saves And these two were just part of a factory with testing desings and not actually working
Re: Call for saves for screenshots
Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 3:09 pm
by Drury
Yep, just noticed a second screenshot where the cursor is pointing at my pumpjack pumping jack s*** Good thing those newbies browsing those screenshots won't be able to tell.
/for the record, I've already claimed a remote oil field