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An assembling machine for every item

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 2:10 pm
by thatguy321
I was just curious if anyone had ever built a factory which has an assembling machine for every item. I mean every item from iron sticks to rocket silos and everything in between. I think it would be cool to make a personal challenge and have an area which has a a single storage chest for every single individual craftable item and then work until every single chest is full to capacity. Has anyone ever done something like that? If so, may we see some screenshots?

Re: An assembling machine for every item

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 2:23 pm
by Sunder1977 ... teJlPsJpGj

He gets the Lazy Bastard achievement which means you'll see him make machines for everything eventually.

Re: An assembling machine for every item

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 2:31 pm
by dragontamer5788
You basically described a "Lazy Bastard" run. You are only able to hand-craft 111 items in such a run, which is barely enough to get you through red science / automation (the red science == 10 crafts, plus the lab, etc. etc.) Can't build belts really, so you need to hand-cart everything around in the early game. IIRC, some people mine coal for a while with the initial drill, then pickup the drill and mine iron for a while... to reduce the amount of crafting.

Then for the rest of the game, you need an assembling machine for everything.

Re: An assembling machine for every item

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 2:36 pm
by OdinYggd
Like people have said, lazy bastard achievement basically requires this. You are only allowed 111 handcrafts from start to rocket launch.

I was able to complete it a few weeks ago with only 100 handcrafts. Pretty much once you get a couple of assembler 2, every single piece is made by the factory itself.

Logistics bots are a godsend when doing lazy bastard because they will fetch the stuff you want to build with so that you always have some in your inventory.

Re: An assembling machine for every item

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 8:58 pm
by dragontamer5788
OdinYggd wrote:I was able to complete it a few weeks ago with only 100 handcrafts. Pretty much once you get a couple of assembler 2, every single piece is made by the factory itself.
Except the Refinery. So you are oil-bound until you get Assembler 3.

Re: An assembling machine for every item

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 11:59 pm
by Frightning
dragontamer5788 wrote:
OdinYggd wrote:I was able to complete it a few weeks ago with only 100 handcrafts. Pretty much once you get a couple of assembler 2, every single piece is made by the factory itself.
Except the Refinery. So you are oil-bound until you get Assembler 3.
The first Refinery must be hand crafted because even getting the Science Pack 3's required to research Assembly Machine 3s requires oil products, let alone the Advanced Circuits required to make the Speed Module 1s needed to make the Assembly Machine 3.

Re: An assembling machine for every item

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 12:37 am
by Ackos
i use no hand crafting mod, so yes, everything must be buillt by factory.

Re: An assembling machine for every item

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 2:00 pm
by thatguy321
That's interesting yall. Thanks for the info.

Did you have fun doing this challenge or did you find it tedious?

Re: An assembling machine for every item

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 2:16 pm
by BlakeMW
Only the first half hour or so of lazy bastard is tedious and it's more just slow than anything else. Once you have Assembler 2 whenever you want something you can pretty much just drop down an assembler 2, set the recipe, then ctrl-click the ingredients into it. In fact, I do that a lot even in non-lazy bastard games, because 2 Assembler 2's are 50% faster than hand-crafting, and 1 Assembler 3 is 25% faster than hand crafting, and if you stuff a bunch of speed modules into an Assembler 3 it's ridiculously faster than hand crafting.

Lazy Bastard doesn't mean you have to build proper supply chains to every assembler, you're still free to be the world's biggest logistic bot transferring items by hand between assemblers and even in a normal game you have serious incentive to carry around stacks of intermediates like pipes, electronic circuits and gears so the hand crafting ability to automatically make intermediates diminishes greatly in relevance as the game progresses.

Re: An assembling machine for every item

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 7:07 pm
by Overene
This has basically been my goal since starting factorio. Building a factory that can produce every item in the game, including any from mods I have installed

Re: An assembling machine for every item

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 1:42 pm
by thatguy321
Overene wrote:This has basically been my goal since starting factorio. Building a factory that can produce every item in the game, including any from mods I have installed
Yeah, that's more my goal than simply trying to avoid hand crafting. Then I want to completely fill a chest for every item that can possibly be put in a chest. Here is my area I call "Walmart." Everything produced is flown here and placed into the appropriate chest. I will not stop until they are all full!!!!! And for OCD reasons they are in order exactly as you see them in the filter groups and subgroups. :)

Re: An assembling machine for every item

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 5:03 pm
by Lupoviridae
I actually do something like this in pretty much every game I play. This is a newer game so I'm not producing every item yet, but usually looks something like this:
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