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Factorio is not on Sale (Steam)

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 6:49 pm
by TheDagmaar
While its a great opportunity to advertising Factorio, I am just sad you missed it.

Re: Factorio is not on Sale (Steam)

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 7:00 pm
by GewaltSam
They posted somewhere why they won't, I think it was in a FFF. I'll scan a bit for it, maybe I'll find it.

Re: Factorio is not on Sale (Steam)

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 7:24 pm
by Koub
Factorio will never be on sale. It's a willing choice of the devs. And given its success, it doesn't need to go on sales.

Re: Factorio is not on Sale (Steam)

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 7:38 pm
by GewaltSam

Here is the official statement on sales.

Re: Factorio is not on Sale (Steam)

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 7:49 pm
by daniel34
kovarex wrote:Not having a sale ever is part of our philosophy. In short term, they are good and bring extra money, but we are targeting long term. I believe that searching for sales is wasted time, and people should decide on the price and value, but putting option of wasting time to search for deals or waiting seems like bad part of the equation.
As an example I would like to mention Minecraft. I'm not aware of any sale of it :)

Re: Factorio is not on Sale (Steam)

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 4:37 am
by Slayer1557
Minecraft has not gone on sale, but it was cheaper during Alpha/Beta.

Re: Factorio is not on Sale (Steam)

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 5:20 am
by Koub
Factorio went gradually from 7€ to 20. The devs decided that the Steam release would get Factorio's final price, and set that definitive price just before going on Steam.

Re: Factorio is not on Sale (Steam)

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 5:33 am
by Klonan
Koub wrote:Factorio went gradually from 7€ to 20. The devs decided that the Steam release would get Factorio's final price, and set that definitive price just before going on Steam.
The €20 price isn't the final price, we may increase it as we transition from early access to full release

Re: Factorio is not on Sale (Steam)

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 5:48 am
by Kewlhotrod
Koub wrote:Factorio will never be on sale. It's a willing choice of the devs. And given its success, it doesn't need to go on sales.
I agree, its well worth more than its current price imo. consider you peasants lucky.

Re: Factorio is not on Sale (Steam)

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 12:14 pm
by Harkonnen604
I'd vote that any major addition to game (on the order of trains or roboports) is sold as $5 DLC add-on to those who already bought the game without such features, and base game price increases that value as well. I'm just afraid that fanbase saturates pretty quickly and at some point devs will be forced to put new things in Factorio2 or smth like that.

Re: Factorio is not on Sale (Steam)

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 1:05 pm
by Koub
Harkonnen604 wrote:$5 DLC add-on
What an excellent idea.
Just joking

Re: Factorio is not on Sale (Steam)

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 3:49 pm
by Harkonnen604
Considering such things happen once in a year, why no? :) $5/year subscription for game that constantly evolves.

Re: Factorio is not on Sale (Steam)

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 4:11 pm
by 5thHorseman
Harkonnen604 wrote:Considering such things happen once in a year, why no? :) $5/year subscription for game that constantly evolves.
Because traditionally the reward for supporting a game early is free updates, at least until official release and maybe even forever. It is frequently (though I don't know in the case of Factorio and can't be bothered to look it up) explicitly stated when you are buying the game.

I'm not saying I'd not buy any DLC (I have no problem paying a fair price for content), but I'd be averse to paying extra to "upgrade" to the current version. Especially while the game is still in Early Access.

Re: Factorio is not on Sale (Steam)

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 6:03 pm
by Harkonnen604
I don't speak about preliminary alpha period. I speak about the future. Fair price for what I got from alpha Factorio is $250. Only FTL and Mass Effect can match that. Point is that fanbase is roughly limited by 1M players - it is quite geeky niche indie game, and Planet Earth produces just that many blue circuit gamers at the moment.

Re: Factorio is not on Sale (Steam)

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 6:38 pm
by Kewlhotrod
Harkonnen604 wrote:I'd vote that any major addition to game (on the order of trains or roboports) is sold as $5 DLC add-on to those who
what the actual fuck is wrong with you

Re: Factorio is not on Sale (Steam)

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 10:43 pm
by MrGrim
5thHorseman wrote:... and maybe even forever.
Devs still have to eat, and forever is a long time. If it comes down to abandoning development or paying for DLC, I'll pay. The only games that can operate on such a model either have a constant stream of new players purchasing the game to keep development going or they have microtransactions or ads. As awesome as Factorio is it is niche as others have pointed out. A perpetual supply of new paying customers seems unlikely, but it would be awesome if it happens.

Re the OP, the "no sales" policy is clearly stated on the steam page. I was glad it was there as it made the purchasing decision very simple. I personally have no problems with a no sale policy, and this game was a bargain and already well on its way to topping the current top game by hours on my steam profile. Right now it sits at 255 hours. So, I've paid 8 cents an hour so far to play this game which I consider one of if not the best I've ever played.

Re: Factorio is not on Sale (Steam)

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 11:14 pm
by 5thHorseman
MrGrim wrote:
5thHorseman wrote:... and maybe even forever.
Devs still have to eat, and forever is a long time.
Well really I mean "Indefinitely." Forever is a long time to provide free updates, sure, but it's also a long time to develop a game at all.

I hate to point it out but some day they'll stop working on this game because they'll consider it done and either move on to "Factorio 2" or another game entirely.

Re: Factorio is not on Sale (Steam)

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 10:14 am
by TerraFirma
DLC is just hideous. It's like that hidden cost you get on your phone bill.

Here's another example:
I bought Company of Heroes 2 during pre-order. I can't remember what I spent, exactly, but it was on the order of $60-80, easily more than I've ever spent on a computer game. And then SEGA came in. SEGA decided, hey, why don't we sell tiered packages? And they did. So now new customers were getting what I got and more for less than I paid in the first place. And then there were new commanders. So many new commanders. And guess what? They cost money too. And how much programming was involved? Not a feck of a lot, and they sure as hell didn't do any balance testing. So competitive gameplay went out the window as COH2 became essentially pay-to-win. They didn't stop there. They released the western armies etc etc etc. Steam sales and more crap. If I had continued maintaining my involvement with that community I could have easily spent hundreds of dollars on their product. And you know what I saw just a few months ago? COH2 on humble. So after all that, I could have gotten the whole damned thing for $5. I will never purchase anything from SEGA ever again. End of story.

Re: Factorio is not on Sale (Steam)

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 12:24 pm
by hoho
Harkonnen604 wrote:Considering such things happen once in a year, why no? :) $5/year subscription for game that constantly evolves.
Because it'd completely obliterate modding community.

An actual subscription a'la MMOs I could agree with but gating gameplay features behind for-pay DLC is an awful idea. I know that Fortresscraft is attempting to do that but I wouldn't be surprised if the rate of DLC owners will be a LOT less than owners of vanilla game.

Re: Factorio is not on Sale (Steam)

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 2:26 pm
by Phillip_Lynx
I am also against DLCs. We have supported the devs by buying early and earn the right to get the full game without extra costs.

And when the game is finished, I would apreciate no DLCs but a new game, which I would buy instantly, even if it is a theme I do not like.