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Factorio meets SC1

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 12:15 am
by Dominic92x
I thought other people who were fans of the original Starcraft series would get a kick out of this: ...

I wanted to see if it could be done--- and well, it was not as hard as I expected it to be.



Ported some more over! ...

Re: Factorio meets SC1

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 2:23 pm
by garath
Absolutely brilliant!

Re: Factorio meets SC1

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 1:47 am
by Dominic92x
Thanks! I am working on converting the biters into zerg. Going to bring the SC1 zerg, and a few protoss, over to the game to make for some interesting scenarios.

Man, I am having more fun with this than I thought I would.
Messing around with Lurkers, Zerglings, Ultralisks, Mutalisks, and Hydralisks. ...

Re: Factorio meets SC1

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 1:50 pm
by garath
This is really cool. Just the graphics alone is too cool. But sound effects as well? Wow! The mutalisk sound effects in particular are my favorite. Keep up the great work!

Re: Factorio meets SC1

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 2:12 pm
by Arch666Angel
I hope you are aware that you are violating blizzards copyrights and better not be caught with it...

Re: Factorio meets SC1

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 5:27 pm
by Dominic92x
Arch666Angel wrote:I hope you are aware that you are violating blizzards copyrights and better not be caught with it...
I was waiting for this! I should be fine ;). As there are so many other flash games, animated videos, and mods that utilize the SC1 sprites and sounds - I am not the first. Blizzard has clearly shown that they are okay with people using these assets to show their love for the game - depending on the locale and degree of assets being used. I am not utilizing these to make any kind of profit (Or will I ever even ask for donations). I am not claiming to own, or to have created, these assets at all. This is more of an advertisement for Starcraft, which again, Blizzard has shown to support (Unless it was WoW...they are protective over WoW).

The only time I could find Blizzard taking legal action was when someone hosted/created an HTML based Starcraft 1 game. It was 100% SC1, just HTML driven. I can totally understand the reason for pursing legal action there. I am not looking to do this in Factorio..

In short, I am very aware of Blizzards copyrights and understand the potential consequences. However, I am not very concerned at this point. Until I receive a cease and desist from Blizzard (Or told to stop by forum moderators or admins) - I will continue to show my love for Starcraft and Factorio. Factorio is quickly becoming one of my favorite games, and mashing it up with one of my childhood favorites creates such an awesome experience for me.

Re: Factorio meets SC1

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 9:13 pm
by Arch666Angel
Dominic92x wrote:
Arch666Angel wrote:I hope you are aware that you are violating blizzards copyrights and better not be caught with it...
I was waiting for this! I should be fine ;). As there are so many other flash games, animated videos, and mods that utilize the SC1 sprites and sounds - I am not the first. Blizzard has clearly shown that they are okay with people using these assets to show their love for the game - depending on the locale and degree of assets being used. I am not utilizing these to make any kind of profit (Or will I ever even ask for donations). I am not claiming to own, or to have created, these assets at all. This is more of an advertisement for Starcraft, which again, Blizzard has shown to support (Unless it was WoW...they are protective over WoW).

The only time I could find Blizzard taking legal action was when someone hosted/created an HTML based Starcraft 1 game. It was 100% SC1, just HTML driven. I can totally understand the reason for pursing legal action there. I am not looking to do this in Factorio..

In short, I am very aware of Blizzards copyrights and understand the potential consequences. However, I am not very concerned at this point. Until I receive a cease and desist from Blizzard (Or told to stop by forum moderators or admins) - I will continue to show my love for Starcraft and Factorio. Factorio is quickly becoming one of my favorite games, and mashing it up with one of my childhood favorites creates such an awesome experience for me.
Don't get me wrong I think that its awesome what you show here, but from what you write you seem a bit naive about the consequences this could have.

Re: Factorio meets SC1

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 10:02 pm
by Dominic92x
Arch666Angel wrote:
Don't get me wrong I think that its awesome what you show here, but from what you write you seem a bit naive about the consequences this could have.
Thank you for the concern, I will continue to mod the game to my liking and will only stop if Blizzard requests to do so. With my limited "naive" knowledge Blizzard would attempt a cease and desist before escalating to higher consequences... I am not spooked by this process... I think we simply have a different set of beliefs and that's okay. I don't believe that Blizzard would care enough about a mod that uses a few skins/sounds from their original game. I believe that pirated games, hackers, private servers, and others trying to make money from their work is more of a concern for them. A lowly mod made for a single person might not be a priority... The courts have better things to do.

I may be wrong with that assumption, but hey, that's my choice to believe that for the time being :)

Re: Factorio meets SC1

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 2:46 pm
by R08
This looks great! When I first saw Factorio the art style reminded me of StarCraft 1. I was hoping someone was already working on merging the two :D.

Will you share the non copyrighted portion? I would love to set this up myself.

Re: Factorio meets SC1

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 3:27 pm
by Stede
Arch666Angel wrote:I hope you are aware that you are violating blizzards copyrights and better not be caught with it...
Well, 343 & Microsoft seem to be able to let Sins of the Prophets (SoaSE mod) continue development without much issue (in fact there is a fair bit of social media interaction between the two), whereas Microsoft many years ago shut down the Halogen project (C&C Generals mod) with a C&D. I think all suits have to start with a cease & desist letter, but it really depends on the situation. Halogen was pretty well anticipated and was coinciding with the development of Halo Wars. At the very least, you won't lose your shirt on it so long as you don't ignore a C&D when it comes.

Re: Factorio meets SC1

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 5:39 pm
by ribsngibs
So cool! I'm more familiar with SC2 but the SC1 untils look like the fit better with the pixel-arty 2D Factorio style.

Are you going to turn worms into whatever the SC1 version of spine crawlers are? (Sunken Colonies?)