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Do you find enemies to be a threat?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 4:09 am
by Reviire
Still playing with a friend of mine, we're finally at the 60-80 personal construction bot stage. Soon planning to remake our factory around roboports which will be fun. But one thing I've noticed through out the entire game, is that the enemies, even with their settings one below max, just aren't that threatening. The attacks are always small, maybe 50-60 per attack, and just aren't a challenge. Do you have the same issue?

Re: Do you find enemies to be a threat?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 4:36 am
by Supercheese
I did observe that the enemies were a tad underwhelming at times. That's why I made some mods to buff them a bit.

Re: Do you find enemies to be a threat?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 7:13 am
by Frightning
It depends on whether or not I've done proper preparation, and maintain it or not. If I do both of those, np, but if I fail to do one of those, things get kinda nasty fast (fighting an attack on foot without turrets handy is dangerous unless you've got good military stuff for the current evolution level.

Re: Do you find enemies to be a threat?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 4:11 pm
by Kewlhotrod
are they biters green yet?

Re: Do you find enemies to be a threat?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 10:34 pm
by BlakeMW
The game is about factory building, the biters are just a diversion or mini-game. The mod misanthrope makes biters more aggressive about trying to wipe you out and makes them pretty savvy about exploiting gaps in your defenses, but it really just means you need to ring your factory in a wall of upgraded turrets then kick back and relax as the hordes of incoming biters drop dead the moment they entire turret range.

ON vanilla playing death worlds (max biters) and smaller starting areas can make unwinnable maps, but unfortunately there is little middle ground between unwinnable maps and winnable maps. Either biters start in control of vital resources (copper or iron) and there's nothing you can do to claim it, or you start with full access to vital resources and can reliably build the defenses you need to stay alive.

Re: Do you find enemies to be a threat?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 10:38 pm
by Reviire
Kewlhotrod wrote:are they biters green yet?
Yea. We've set all enemy settings to max and green biters/spitters are spawning.

Re: Do you find enemies to be a threat?

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 11:27 am
by StarFox31
With MK1 Power armor now the enemies are no problem for us, at 55% evolution. Tank could use a buff however, it really stomps them early game but now its just useless. Maybe have upgrade modules or something.

Re: Do you find enemies to be a threat?

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 1:29 pm
by BlakeMW
StarFox31 wrote:With MK1 Power armor now the enemies are no problem for us, at 55% evolution. Tank could use a buff however, it really stomps them early game but now its just useless. Maybe have upgrade modules or something.

Not useless - you're just using it wrong. In the early game the Tank makes a decent bulldozer, in the mid-late game you need to stop bulldozing stuff because the collision damage with the larger biters will wreck the Tank, but it makes absolutely fantastic heavy armor and the mobility in combat is excellent. Firepower is a little lacking - the best bet is the machine gun with full bullet upgrades, it deals about 3x the damage as the cannon. Poison capsules should be used liberally along with your choice of defender or destroyer capsules - defenders are greatly superior until late big biter era but they need full bullet upgrades to shine.

I use the Tank throughout the game even on deathworlds (when playing with a self-imposed no offensive turreting rule), my only real gripe is the cannon is a wet noodle launcher, otherwise it's a fine and much cheaper alternative to combat-oriented power armor (it goes very well with a roboports/exoskeletons power armor).